le marche agriturismo italiaAGRITURISMO ITALIA

Il vero agriturismo biologico nel cuore delle Marche

L’agriturismo autentico è prima di tutto un’azienda agricola che lavora la terra e raccoglie i suoi frutti. Noi abbiamo scelto di lavorare secondo i criteri dell’agricoltura biologica per passione e perché siamo convinti che questo sia l’unico modo per ottenere  prodotti sani e genuini nel rispetto della natura.

“Chi ha assaggiato le nostre pesche maturate al sole, sa di cosa stiamo parlando.”

Agriturismo Italia- Il turismo ruralele marche italia agriturismi

Ad un certo punto abbiamo deciso di condividere e far conoscere l’incanto della natura ad altre persone, aprendo le porte del nostro casale al turismo rurale. La casa antica risale al 1782 ed è stata completamente ristrutturata nel 1995. Da allora abbiamo cercato di rendere il nostro agriturismo sempre più confortevole, lasciando però inalterato lo charme del vecchio casale e della vita rurale e l’esuberanza della natura circostante.

Oggi Fontechiara dispone di quattro camere comode ed accoglienti, una piscina e un piccolo ristorante, dove gustare le delizie che la terra,se rispettata, sa offrirci.

Agriturismo in Italia e la sua origine

Dopo la guerra e fino agli anni ‘70, lavorare la terra in piccole fattorie divenne sempre meno remunerativo e in molti decisero di abbandonare la campagna a favore delle grandi fabbriche in città o addirittura per emigrare in altri paesi.

Ma l’amore per la campagna era grande e risultava difficile rinunciare a quelle tradizioni e a quei prodotti tipici che contraddistinguono ogni regione, ogni comune d’Italia.

Fu nel 1985, che lo stato italiano formulò l’attuale legge riguardo l’agriturismo e da allora molte case di campagna abbandonate furono ristrutturate e molte fattorie aprirono le porte ai turisti, curiosi di conoscere quel mondo rurale in cui tutti più o meno affondiamo le nostre radici, ma che sembrava ormai dimenticato e vogliosi di godersi la pace della campagna in luoghi lontani dal turismo di massa.

L’agriturismo è però prima di tutto una fattoria che produce reddito, lavorando la terra o allevando animali.

Generalmente vi si possono trovare camere  B&B ma anche in mezza pensione o in pensione completa e i pasti vengono serviti nel ristorante dell’agriturismo. Possono esserci piazzole per l’agricampeggio o posti per i camper.

le marche prodotti biologiciPerché scegli agriturismo in Italia?

La natura non è solo assenza di rumori molesti e di odori intollerabili. Non è solo “Verde” e

“Spazio” ma è quella cosa che comunica con noi e che ci manda  quell’energia che ci ricarica per affrontare lo stress di tutti i giorni in città. Gli adulti possono rallentare i ritmi e riscoprire sapori e profumi dimenticati e i piccoli possono avventurarsi nel mondo vero, spesso sconosciuto e lontano da Playstation e Nintendo.

C’è chi preferisce solo riposare, c’è chi ama esplorare i dintorni in mountain bike, chi visita chiese e borghi, chi cammina in boschi odorosi, chi trascorre il tempo con esercizi yoga o con la canna da pesca in mano, non ci sono limiti  al benessere.

L’Agriturismo Fontechiara si trova nelle Marche, in provincia di Macerata a 4 km da Treia.

Si può scegliere una vacanza Bed and Breakfast – B&B,  ma agli amanti dello slow food e della cucina genuina proponiamo vacanze in mezza pensione o in pensione completa.

Un soggiorno a Fontechiara permette di seguire lo spirito dell’ ecoturismo e dà l’opportunità di assaggiare in un ambiente incantevole, i nostri prodotti biologici e regionali, come l’olio d’oliva extravergine Fontechiara ed i rinomati vini maneggio marche italymarchigiani.

Il casale coniuga armoniosamente il fascino antico con le moderne comodità  ed ha una piscina circondata dal verde.

Offriamo vacanze dedicate alla tranquillità, allo yoga, all’arte, alla pesca o all’acquisizione di conoscenze sulla produzione e la valutazione dell’olio d’oliva extravergine; i nostri ospiti stranieri possono partecipare alle lezioni d’italiano mentre i dintorni sono perfetti per una vacanza sportiva in sella ad una mountain bike o per fare una gita di shopping in uno dei tanti outlet della regione.

Accogliamo con piacere anche i nostri amici a quattro zampe, cani e gatti e offriamo un servizio di dog sitting qualificato.

Nelle Marche si trovano spiagge incantevoli, montagne mozzafiato, boschi preziosi, natura incontaminata e innumerevoli luoghi di interesse storico e artistico oltre agli infiniti piaceri enogastronomici.

E’ veramente “L’Italia in una regione”.

Consultate i nostri prezzi e le offerte speciali per una vacanza indimenticabile.


Fontechiara Agriturismo Le Marche Italy

There are many genres of agritourism in Italy, but an Italy agriturismo is basically an Italian farm that produces and sells food and offers hospitality to guests, either in the form of a restaurant or holiday accommodation.  Our Le Marche agriturismo is a working farm or small holding with animals and crops that include fruit & nut trees and a productive olive grove. We take the produce straight from the land to the table with our evening meal option that offers guests the option to sample the wonderful seasonal produce and sumptuous regional Italian dishes at a remarkably low price.

Our beautiful Italian farmhouse of Fontechiara was originally built in 1782 and was totally restructured in 1995 to include all modern conveniences. The farm now includes a swimming pool and animals that include horses, geese, chickens, pigs and doves. Each year we sow vegetables and grow these organically so that the food we offer our guests is fresh and harmless to the environment. We also try to preserve as much of our food produce as possible; this includes cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, jams and preserves, prosciutto crudo ham, honey and vegetables under oil.

The definition of Agriturismo Italia

Agriturismo – is an Italian term combining the words for “agriculture” and “tourism” and is a style of vacation or holiday in a farm house codified into Italian law in 1985. An Italy agriturismo vacation is suitable for the whole family. An Italian agriturismo serves foods to guests prepared from raw materials produced on the farm or at least locally. Some will allow the guest to actually participate in the activities surrounding the farm. Despite the rural nature of the lodging, one might expect a rustic experience; yet many agriturismi (the plural form of agriturismo) like ours feature rather luxurious accommodation as well as swimming pools.

Agritourism Italy; A Short History

After the war and in the period through to the 1970s, small scale farming in Italy became less profitable, and, farmers abandoned many farms to search for work in larger towns or else emigrated overseas. But the Italians value highly the “campanilismo” or localism and loyalty to customs and traditions and especially the produce of small scale production of food, and by 1985 a law defined Agriturismo, and many abandoned buildings and estates were restored, some for vacation homes, and many for agritourismo. The Italian farmers who own these agritourismi benefit from tax breaks and finance  and other agri tourism initiatives by opening their farmhouses for holidays and vacations in Italy; which in turn has allowed the small farmer to augment the income from the farm, and for those on holiday or vacation to sample the bounty of a rural life in Italy.

Agritourism (agriturismo in Italian) is the term used for farms in the country with rooms (B&B) or apartments to rent. Frequently these places are inexpensive and sometimes meals are provided. The Italian government regulates the Agritourism places, so official government listings are available. To get listings for a specific area, search the official tourist office site for the region and contact them.

Some Agritourism places are represented by agencies or have their own website. Many of the places listed on the region pages in this section are Agritourism. When you drive around the countryside, you will see official signs pointing to Agritourism places. It is worth searching using the words Agro as well as agri and tourism as well as turismo, and Italy as well as Italia and Italian, combinations of these words often yield different and interesting results

What to expect on an Italian Agriturismo holiday in Le Marche

For a relaxing break from the traffic and hurly burly of Italian city life, head for the rugged hills and settle down in an agriturismoAgriturismo (agricultural tourism) began in the 1980s as a way to encourage small farmers to survive in a modern economy. By renting rooms or apartments to touristst, farmers can make ends meet, remain on their land, and continue to produce food. Our Le Marche farmhouse is a peaceful rural home base for exploring the region and ideal for those traveling by car, especially families and foodies

As the name implies, agriturismi are in the countryside, although some are located within a mile of town. Most are family-run. Accomodation varies from properties that are simple and rustic, to others like ours that are luxurious, offering amenities such as swimming pools and riding stables. The rooms are clean and comfortable. Breakfast is often included, and mezza pensione (half-pension, which in this case means a home-cooked dinner) may be built into the price. Ask the owner for suggestions on local restaurants, sights, and activities.

To qualify officially as an agriturismo, the farm must generate more money from its farm activities than from tourism, thereby insuring that the land is worked and preserved. Some farmhouse B&Bs are simply that, and are not really working farms, though are still fine places to stay. But if you want the real thing, make sure the owners call their place an agriturismo.

Fontechiara Agriturismo Le Marche Italy

There are many genres of agritourism in Italy, but an Italy agriturismo is basically an Italian farm that produces and sells food and offers hospitality to guests, either in the form of a restaurant or holiday accommodation.  Our Le Marche agriturismo is a working farm or small holding with animals and crops that include fruit & nut trees and a productive olive grove. We take the produce straight from the land to the table with our evening meal option that offers guests the option to sample the wonderful seasonal produce and sumptuous regional Italian dishes at a remarkably low price.

Our beautiful Italian farmhouse of Fontechiara was originally built in 1782 and was totally restructured in 1995 to include all modern conveniences. The farm now includes a swimming pool and animals that include horses, geese, chickens, pigs and doves. Each year we sow vegetables and grow these organically so that the food we offer our guests is fresh and harmless to the environment. We also try to preserve as much of our food produce as possible; this includes cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, jams and preserves, prosciutto crudo ham, honey and vegetables under oil.

The definition of Agriturismo Italia

Agriturismo – is an Italian term combining the words for “agriculture” and “tourism” and is a style of vacation or holiday in a farm house codified into Italian law in 1985. An Italy agriturismo vacation is suitable for the whole family. An Italian agriturismo serves foods to guests prepared from raw materials produced on the farm or at least locally. Some will allow the guest to actually participate in the activities surrounding the farm. Despite the rural nature of the lodging, one might expect a rustic experience; yet many agriturismi (the plural form of agriturismo) like ours feature rather luxurious accommodation as well as swimming pools.

Agritourism Italy; A Short History

After the war and in the period through to the 1970s, small scale farming in Italy became less profitable, and, farmers abandoned many farms to search for work in larger towns or else emigrated overseas. But the Italians value highly the “campanilismo” or localism and loyalty to customs and traditions and especially the produce of small scale production of food, and by 1985 a law defined Agriturismo, and many abandoned buildings and estates were restored, some for vacation homes, and many for agritourismo. The Italian farmers who own these agritourismi benefit from tax breaks and finance  and other agri tourism initiatives by opening their farmhouses for holidays and vacations in Italy; which in turn has allowed the small farmer to augment the income from the farm, and for those on holiday or vacation to sample the bounty of a rural life in Italy.

Agritourism (agriturismo in Italian) is the term used for farms in the country with rooms (B&B) or apartments to rent. Frequently these places are inexpensive and sometimes meals are provided. The Italian government regulates the Agritourism places, so official government listings are available. To get listings for a specific area, search the official tourist office site for the region and contact them.

Some Agritourism places are represented by agencies or have their own website. Many of the places listed on the region pages in this section are Agritourism. When you drive around the countryside, you will see official signs pointing to Agritourism places. It is worth searching using the words Agro as well as agri and tourism as well as turismo, and Italy as well as Italia and Italian, combinations of these words often yield different and interesting results

What to expect on an Italian Agriturismo holiday in Le Marche

For a relaxing break from the traffic and hurly burly of Italian city life, head for the rugged hills and settle down in an agriturismoAgriturismo (agricultural tourism) began in the 1980s as a way to encourage small farmers to survive in a modern economy. By renting rooms or apartments to touristst, farmers can make ends meet, remain on their land, and continue to produce food. Our Le Marche farmhouse is a peaceful rural home base for exploring the region and ideal for those traveling by car, especially families and foodies

As the name implies, agriturismi are in the countryside, although some are located within a mile of town. Most are family-run. Accomodation varies from properties that are simple and rustic, to others like ours that are luxurious, offering amenities such as swimming pools and riding stables. The rooms are clean and comfortable. Breakfast is often included, and mezza pensione (half-pension, which in this case means a home-cooked dinner) may be built into the price. Ask the owner for suggestions on local restaurants, sights, and activities.

To qualify officially as an agriturismo, the farm must generate more money from its farm activities than from tourism, thereby insuring that the land is worked and preserved. Some farmhouse B&Bs are simply that, and are not really working farms, though are still fine places to stay. But if you want the real thing, make sure the owners call their place an agriturismo.

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