riviera del conero le marche italiaLe Marche Spiagge

La riviera adriatica delle Marche

La regione Marche è una delle regioni che ha ottenuto il maggior numero di bandiere blu per le sue località balneari. Questo prestigioso premio europeo è stato conferito per l’attenzione all’ambiente, per le spiagge ben tenute riguardo pulizia, sicurezza, strutture e servizi e naturalmente per la qualità delle acque. Molte parti della costa sono state dichiarate eco- label.


Questa piccola località marittima si trova immersa nel parco nazionale del Monte Conero ed è raggiungibile percorrendo una strada tortuosa dalla vista sbalorditiva. L’ampia spiaggia è divisa in due dal Fortino Napoleonico (oggi albergo) che fu costruito nel 1808 dal vicerè italiano di Napoleone per combattere le navi inglesi.

La spiaggia è sabbiosa e ci sono diversi stabilimenti con bar e ristoranti di pesce per ogni esigenza.

Tra le lussureggianti querce di Portonovo si può visitare la chiesa di Santa Maria in stile romanico, costruita tra il 1034 e il 1048. La sua architettura normanna è unica in Italia.

Sirolo e Numana – le meraviglie della riviera del Conerospiagge le marche italia

A sud di Portonovo ci sono altre due località che fanno parte del parco del Conero e cioè Sirolo e Numana, due spiagge gioiello incastonate nel promontorio.

Il centro storico di Sirolo è arroccato sulle rocce del Monte Conero, tra i lussureggianti boschi di abete rosso e dalla sua piazza si gode una vista davvero spettacolare sul mare. Ci sono diversi ottimi ristoranti, dove gustare il pesce dell’adriatico.

Per raggiungere le spiagge si percorre una strada di tornanti oppure si usufruisce del servizio Pulman, attivo in estate. Vale la pena affrontare la fatica per raggiungere il mare a piedi e scoprire le piccole insenature e le spiaggette nascoste.

Poco più a sud si trova  Numana con il porto e un lunghissimo lungomare con molte possibilità per fare sport o per il divertimento di tutta la famiglia. Ci sono piste da gokart e tappeti elastici per bambini ed una movimentata vita notturna per gli adulti.

Il museo archeologico (Via La Fenice 4), documenta la storia delle tribù picene, che vissero nella zona finche non arrivarono i romani.

Non dimenticate di visitare qualche cantina per degustare il famoso vino Rosso Conero, corposo e pieno dei profumi di questa regione meravigliosa.

Porto Recanati

La località balneare più vicina all’agriturismo Fontechiara è Porto Recanati, un’elegante cittadina con ottimi ristoranti di pesce, negozi alla moda e aree attrezzate per il gioco dei bambini. Combinate una gita a Porto Recanati con una visita a Recanati e alla famosissima basilica di Loreto.

Porto Potenza Picena

Altro posto velocemente raggiungibile da Fontechiara, è Porto Potenza Picena con le sue lunghissime spiagge di sabbia libere, intervallate da piccoli stabilimenti con bar e ristoranti, dove gustare un piatto di pesce, fresco di giornata.

Nell’entroterra si trova la bella cittadina di Potenza Picena con la ottocentesca Villa Bonaccorsi molto ben conservata e circondata dal suo lussureggiante giardino.

costa adriatica le marcheCivitanova Marche

A Civitanova Marche si uniscono il fascino della località turistica con la laboriosa frenesia del porto. Inoltre Civitanova Marche costituisce uno dei centri più importanti dell’industria calzaturiera italiana.

Il lungomare è diviso in due dal porto dei pescherecci. Il lungomare sud ha un ricco assortimento di parchi gioco per i bambini e bei giardini dove passeggiare.

Il centro della città si trova intorno a Piazza XX Settembre ed è ricco di negozi alla moda e giardini pubblici. Il Sabato mattino è piacevole passeggiare tra le bancarelle del mercato.

Il lungomare nord è intervallato dai frangiflutti e la grande spiaggia è particolarmente adatta al bagno dei più piccoli perché l’acqua rimane poco profonda per un lunghissimo tratto. Non dimenticare di fare un salto alla gelateria Cocoloco, famosa per la sua incredibile scelta di gelati.

A pochi chilometri dalla costa si trova il centro medievale di Civitanova Marche Alta, le cui piazze e vicoli antichi sono sede di feste e concerti durante tutta l’estate. Ha inoltre una galleria d’arte moderna estremamente interessante.

A 6 km di distanza si trova una delle chiese più antiche e famose delle Marche, Santa Maria a Piè di Chienti, la cui bellissima struttura romanica risale al nono secolo e sull’ altare maggiore si possono ammirare degli affreschi del 14esimo secolo.

Porto San Giorgio

Il porto che anticamente serviva la città romana di Fermo, oggi è un’elegante località balneare con una lunga spiaggia di sabbia, un’esclusiva scelta di negozi e ristoranti e un piccolo porto tuttora in attività. Le strade e piazze si animano specialmente d’estate con concerti, sagre ed altri divertimenti.

Deve la sua eleganza allo stile architettonico liberty ed art noveaux del 19esimo secolo.

La  fortezza con le sue massicce torri del 13esimo secolo è stata progettata da Lorenzo Tiepolo, famoso per i suoi lavori a Venezia.


Pedaso si trova a sud di Porto San Giorgio ed è famosa per i suoi allevamenti di cozze.

La spiaggia non molto lunga è ghiaiosa ed è possibile fare  immersioni subacquee.

Cupra Marittima

Questa località balneare è poco frequentata dal turismo di massa ed è immersa nella rigogliosa vegetazione mediterranea. Vanta una bella spiaggia lunga 2,5 km e un meritevole porto sovrastato dalle antiche mura della città. E’ da menzionare inoltre un interessante museo di conchiglie.

Vacanze al mare Marche, località turistiche della costa adriatica regione Marche

Vacanze al mare sulla riviera adriatica delle Marche, guida alle migliori spiagge e località balneari della costa adriatica, spiagge con 16 bandiere blù

“L’Agriturismo Fontechiara si trova nelle Marche, in provincia di Macerata a 4 km da Treia.
Si può scegliere una vacanza Bed and Breakfast – B&B, ma agli amanti dello slow food e della cucina genuina proponiamo vacanze in mezza pensione.
Un soggiorno a Fontechiara permette di seguire lo spirito dell’ ecoturismo e dà l’opportunità di assaggiare in un ambiente incantevole, i nostri prodotti biologici e regionali, come l’olio d’oliva extravergine Fontechiara ed i rinomati vini marchigiani.
Il casale coniuga armoniosamente il fascino antico con le moderne comodità ed ha una piscina circondata dal verde.
Offriamo vacanze dedicate alla tranquillità, all’arte, alla pesca o all’acquisizione di conoscenze sulla produzione e la valutazione dell’olio d’oliva extravergine; i dintorni sono perfetti per una vacanza sportiva in sella ad una mountain bike o per fare una gita di shopping in uno dei tanti outlet della regione.
Accogliamo con piacere anche i nostri amici a quattro zampe.
Nelle Marche si trovano spiagge incantevoli, montagne mozzafiato, boschi preziosi, natura incontaminata e innumerevoli luoghi di interesse storico e artistico oltre agli infiniti piaceri enogastronomici.
E’ veramente “L’Italia in una regione”.
Consultate i nostri prezzi e le offerte speciali per una vacanza indimenticabile.”

Sirolo conero riviera adriatic coast ItalyBeach holidays on the Adriatic sea of Le Marche Italy

The seaside resorts of the Adriatic Coast in the Le Marche region are crowded only from mid-July to the third week of August when the Italians take their annual holidays. The rest of the time when the weather is hot, you’ll have plenty of space and find the Italians looking at you strangely and wondering why you are on the beach outside peak period.

Although all resorts on the Adriatic Sea in le Marche have scetions of free public beach (spiaggia libera), it’s not as well kept and clean as the private beaches. For a proper Beach holiday in Italy and the real Italian beach experience you will need to bite the bullet and select one of the private Italian Adriatic beaches denoted by their uniform banks of umbrellas and sun beds. These are not usually that expensive, especially if you wish to take advantage of their facilities which include changing rooms, showers, toilets, childrens playgrounds and restaurants and bars. They are also the best place to watch Italian holidaymakers on the Adriatic Coast up close and compare the peacocks strutting along the shore in their dark glasses and revealing beachwear.

The Adriatic resorts of  Le Marche include one of the highest number of beaches of any region in Italy that have won the  prestigious European Blue Flag award for environmentally well-kept beaches. The important “eco-label” is given to parts of the coast that meet strict criteria including beach water quality, environmental management, safety and other services.

PortonovoSirolo riviera del Conero le marche italy

This small adriatic resort is deep in the Conero national Park  and is found at the end of a windy road with great views. The sandy Adriatic beach; which has plenty of  restaurants and bars  is split in two by the Fortino Napoleonico, a fort (now a hotel) built in 1808 by Napoleon’s Italian Viceroy to fight off English ships. As the lush Conero oaks reach the sea at Portonovo you will see the Romanesque church of Santa Maria. Built between 1034 and 1048, its Norman form is strangely unique in Italy.

The Adriatic resorts of Sirolo & Numana

You will find the Conero national park’s main two resorts to the South of Portonovo. Sirolo is set on the Spruce clad cliffs and has a medieval centre and many great seafood restaurants,from the small piazza that perches high above the sea you can drive or walk down to a series of small coves that boast tattorias serving up fresh fish. Head south and you will reach the marina and then the long Adriatic drag of Numana. It  has a superb long  with plenty of sports and activities and an archeology museum documenting the history of the Piceni tribes who lived here until Rome muscled in (Via La Fenice, 4). Head to the southern end for trampolining and gokarts and stay later for the amazing clubs and nightlife on offer. Make sure that you visit a Cantina or two whilst at Conero, it is home to arguably Marche’s best wine, the robust Rosso Conero made primarilyfrom Montepulciano grapes

Porto Recanati

The nearest Le Marche beach to Agriturismo Fontechiara is Porto Recanati with its coarse sand, stylish shops, childrens play areas it makes a great day out. Combine this with a visit to Recanati itself, Osimo or the amazing basilica at Loreto

Sirolo riviera del Conero ItalyPorto Potenza Picena

To the north of Civitanova Marche and also close to the B&B is Porto Potenza Picena – it has a good sandy beach and is near the lovely town of Potenza Picena and the well preserved 18th century Villa and gardens at Giardino Bonaccorsi.

Civitanova Marche

Civitanova Marche combines an Adriatic seaside resort with a vibrant fishing port and is also centre for the Italian footwear industry. It is a long seaside resort of coarse sand that is split, by the fishing port, into a North and South beach

The promenade by the South beach has a collection of nice gardens and some impressive childrens playgrounds. The Adriatic town itself has its centre in Piazza XX Settembre which has plenty of stylish shops and green public gardens, This is the home to the sprawling market on Saturday mornings. The North shore has some more interesting kinks formed by breakwaters and cafes that include Cocoloco a favourite for its incredible range of  Gelati  or Ice Creams

Four km inland from the beach at Civitanova Marche is the Medieval hilltop town of Civitanova Marche Alta, It often hosts Summer festas and pageants within its medieval walls amongst the ancient palaces and churches and has an extremely good modern Italian art gallery in the civic Galleria d’Arte Moderna.

One of the Marche’s earliest and most distinguished churches, Santa Maria a Piè di Chientiis 6km away on the SS 485. This beautifully preserved romanesque structure originates from the 9th Century. It houses impressive 14th Century frescoes in the apse above the upper altar.

Porto San Giorgioconero adriatic beach le marche italy

The port that once serviced the Roman town of Fermo is now a stylish sandy seaside resort on the Adriatic with a small working port. There is a small but eclectic mix of shops and in high summer the place comes alive with gigs, festas concerts and other entertainments.

Much of its elegance comes from  the Liberty Style art nouveau architecture from the turn of the 19th century. Porto San Giorgios 13th century fortress, built by Lorenzo Tiepolo, famous from his works in Venice, has robust towers and high keep. This jewel of Le Marches Adriatic Riviera has a fine sandy beach and some superb but  moderately priced restaurants


South of Porto San Giorgio is Pedaso, The Adriatic Coast of Le Marche’s “mussel beach” – the seafood delicacy is farmed on concrete pillars off the coast, Pedaso has a short, gravely beach and is home to scuba and skindiving.

Porto Sant’Elpidio

The Adriatic Riviera resort of San Elpidio lies to the north of Porto San Giorgio, it has a long beach accessed through pine woods at the northern end and many outlet shoe shops on the SS16 road. There are also some good restaurants and kids play areas some with zipwires.

Cupra Marittima

Far from the madding crowd and untouched by mass tourism, this tranquil Le Marche resort on the Adriatic sea is surrounded by lush vegetation. This Adriatic riviera resort has a good spacious clean sandy beach (2.5kms long), and an attractive port overlooked by the fortified medieval walls of the town. It also has an interesting shell museum.

Agriturismo Fontechiara is located in Treia in the province of Macerata in the region of Le Marche in central Italy. We offer B&B or bed and breakfast holidays or for lovers of slow food there is a half board option. A vacation at Fontechiara allows you to sample ecotourism, locally grown food, our own organic produce, home cooking and great Le Marche wines in a restored farmhouse with stylishly furnished rooms and excellent facilities including a swimming pool. There is the possibility of horse riding, fishing and courses about olive oil. We are ideally located for sports and outlet shopping. Le Marche has fantastic beaches, mountains, nature, history, art, activities and more. Please check out our reasonable prices or contact us for more information or to book.

Beach holidays on the Adriatic sea of Le Marche Italy

The seaside resorts of the Adriatic Coast in the Le Marche region are crowded only from mid-July to the third week of August when the Italians take their annual holidays. The rest of the time when the weather is hot, you’ll have plenty of space and find the Italians looking at you strangely and wondering why you are on the beach outside peak period.

Although all resorts on the Adriatic Sea in le Marche have scetions of free public beach (spiaggia libera), it’s not as well kept and clean as the private beaches. For a proper Beach holiday in Italy and the real Italian beach experience you will need to bite the bullet and select one of the private Italian Adriatic beaches denoted by their uniform banks of umbrellas and sun beds. These are not usually that expensive, especially if you wish to take advantage of their facilities which include changing rooms, showers, toilets, childrens playgrounds and restaurants and bars. They are also the best place to watch Italian holidaymakers on the Adriatic Coast up close and compare the peacocks strutting along the shore in their dark glasses and revealing beachwear.

The Adriatic resorts of  Le Marche include one of the highest number of beaches of any region in Italy that have won the  prestigious European Blue Flag award for environmentally well-kept beaches. The important “eco-label” is given to parts of the coast that meet strict criteria including beach water quality, environmental management, safety and other services.


This small adriatic resort is deep in the Conero national Park  and is found at the end of a windy road with great views. The sandy Adriatic beach; which has plenty of  restaurants and bars  is split in two by the Fortino Napoleonico, a fort (now a hotel) built in 1808 by Napoleon’s Italian Viceroy to fight off English ships. As the lush Conero oaks reach the sea at Portonovo you will see the Romanesque church of Santa Maria. Built between 1034 and 1048, its Norman form is strangely unique in Italy.

The Adriatic resorts of Sirolo & Numana

You will find the Conero national park’s main two resorts to the South of Portonovo. Sirolo is set on the Spruce clad cliffs and has a medieval centre and many great seafood restaurants,from the small piazza that perches high above the sea you can drive or walk down to a series of small coves that boast tattorias serving up fresh fish. Head south and you will reach the marina and then the long Adriatic drag of Numana. It  has a superb long  with plenty of sports and activities and an archeology museum documenting the history of the Piceni tribes who lived here until Rome muscled in (Via La Fenice, 4). Head to the southern end for trampolining and gokarts and stay later for the amazing clubs and nightlife on offer. Make sure that you visit a Cantina or two whilst at Conero, it is home to arguably Marche’s best wine, the robust Rosso Conero made primarilyfrom Montepulciano grapes

Porto Recanati

The nearest Le Marche beach to Agriturismo Fontechiara is Porto Recanati with its coarse sand, stylish shops, childrens play areas it makes a great day out. Combine this with a visit to Recanati itself, Osimo or the amazing basilica at Loreto

Porto Potenza Picena

To the north of Civitanova Marche and also close to the B&B is Porto Potenza Picena – it has a good sandy beach and is near the lovely town of Potenza Picena and the well preserved 18th century Villa and gardens at Giardino Bonaccorsi.

Civitanova Marche

Civitanova Marche combines an Adriatic seaside resort with a vibrant fishing port and is also centre for the Italian footwear industry. It is a long seaside resort of coarse sand that is split, by the fishing port, into a North and South beach

The promenade by the South beach has a collection of nice gardens and some impressive childrens playgrounds. The Adriatic town itself has its centre in Piazza XX Settembre which has plenty of stylish shops and green public gardens, This is the home to the sprawling market on Saturday mornings. The North shore has some more interesting kinks formed by breakwaters and cafes that include Cocoloco a favourite for its incredible range of  Gelati  or Ice Creams

Four km inland from the beach at Civitanova Marche is the Medieval hilltop town of Civitanova Marche Alta, It often hosts Summer festas and pageants within its medieval walls amongst the ancient palaces and churches and has an extremely good modern Italian art gallery in the civic Galleria d’Arte Moderna.

One of the Marche’s earliest and most distinguished churches, Santa Maria a Piè di Chientiis 6km away on the SS 485. This beautifully preserved romanesque structure originates from the 9th Century. It houses impressive 14th Century frescoes in the apse above the upper altar.

Porto San Giorgio

The port that once serviced the Roman town of Fermo is now a stylish sandy seaside resort on the Adriatic with a small working port. There is a small but eclectic mix of shops and in high summer the place comes alive with gigs, festas concerts and other entertainments.

Much of its elegance comes from  the Liberty Style art nouveau architecture from the turn of the 19th century. Porto San Giorgios 13th century fortress, built by Lorenzo Tiepolo, famous from his works in Venice, has robust towers and high keep. This jewel of Le Marches Adriatic Riviera has a fine sandy beach and some superb but  moderately priced restaurants


South of Porto San Giorgio is Pedaso, The Adriatic Coast of Le Marche’s “mussel beach” – the seafood delicacy is farmed on concrete pillars off the coast, Pedaso has a short, gravely beach and is home to scuba and skindiving.

Porto Sant’Elpidio

The Adriatic Riviera resort of San Elpidio lies to the north of Porto San Giorgio, it has a long beach accessed through pine woods at the northern end and many outlet shoe shops on the SS16 road. There are also some good restaurants and kids play areas some with zipwires.

Cupra Marittima

Far from the madding crowd and untouched by mass tourism, this tranquil Le Marche resort on the Adriatic sea is surrounded by lush vegetation. This Adriatic riviera resort has a good spacious clean sandy beach (2.5kms long), and an attractive port overlooked by the fortified medieval walls of the town. It also has an interesting shell museum.

Beach holidays on the Adriatic sea of Le Marche Italy

The seaside resorts of the Adriatic Coast in the Le Marche region are crowded only from mid-July to the third week of August when the Italians take their annual holidays. The rest of the time when the weather is hot, you’ll have plenty of space and find the Italians looking at you strangely and wondering why you are on the beach outside peak period.

Although all resorts on the Adriatic Sea in le Marche have scetions of free public beach (spiaggia libera), it’s not as well kept and clean as the private beaches. For a proper Beach holiday in Italy and the real Italian beach experience you will need to bite the bullet and select one of the private Italian Adriatic beaches denoted by their uniform banks of umbrellas and sun beds. These are not usually that expensive, especially if you wish to take advantage of their facilities which include changing rooms, showers, toilets, childrens playgrounds and restaurants and bars. They are also the best place to watch Italian holidaymakers on the Adriatic Coast up close and compare the peacocks strutting along the shore in their dark glasses and revealing beachwear.

The Adriatic resorts of  Le Marche include one of the highest number of beaches of any region in Italy that have won the  prestigious European Blue Flag award for environmentally well-kept beaches. The important “eco-label” is given to parts of the coast that meet strict criteria including beach water quality, environmental management, safety and other services.


This small adriatic resort is deep in the Conero national Park  and is found at the end of a windy road with great views. The sandy Adriatic beach; which has plenty of  restaurants and bars  is split in two by the Fortino Napoleonico, a fort (now a hotel) built in 1808 by Napoleon’s Italian Viceroy to fight off English ships. As the lush Conero oaks reach the sea at Portonovo you will see the Romanesque church of Santa Maria. Built between 1034 and 1048, its Norman form is strangely unique in Italy.

The Adriatic resorts of Sirolo & Numana

You will find the Conero national park’s main two resorts to the South of Portonovo. Sirolo is set on the Spruce clad cliffs and has a medieval centre and many great seafood restaurants,from the small piazza that perches high above the sea you can drive or walk down to a series of small coves that boast tattorias serving up fresh fish. Head south and you will reach the marina and then the long Adriatic drag of Numana. It  has a superb long  with plenty of sports and activities and an archeology museum documenting the history of the Piceni tribes who lived here until Rome muscled in (Via La Fenice, 4). Head to the southern end for trampolining and gokarts and stay later for the amazing clubs and nightlife on offer. Make sure that you visit a Cantina or two whilst at Conero, it is home to arguably Marche’s best wine, the robust Rosso Conero made primarilyfrom Montepulciano grapes

Porto Recanati

The nearest Le Marche beach to Agriturismo Fontechiara is Porto Recanati with its coarse sand, stylish shops, childrens play areas it makes a great day out. Combine this with a visit to Recanati itself, Osimo or the amazing basilica at Loreto

Porto Potenza Picena

To the north of Civitanova Marche and also close to the B&B is Porto Potenza Picena – it has a good sandy beach and is near the lovely town of Potenza Picena and the well preserved 18th century Villa and gardens at Giardino Bonaccorsi.

Civitanova Marche

Civitanova Marche combines an Adriatic seaside resort with a vibrant fishing port and is also centre for the Italian footwear industry. It is a long seaside resort of coarse sand that is split, by the fishing port, into a North and South beach

The promenade by the South beach has a collection of nice gardens and some impressive childrens playgrounds. The Adriatic town itself has its centre in Piazza XX Settembre which has plenty of stylish shops and green public gardens, This is the home to the sprawling market on Saturday mornings. The North shore has some more interesting kinks formed by breakwaters and cafes that include Cocoloco a favourite for its incredible range of  Gelati  or Ice Creams

Four km inland from the beach at Civitanova Marche is the Medieval hilltop town of Civitanova Marche Alta, It often hosts Summer festas and pageants within its medieval walls amongst the ancient palaces and churches and has an extremely good modern Italian art gallery in the civic Galleria d’Arte Moderna.

One of the Marche’s earliest and most distinguished churches, Santa Maria a Piè di Chientiis 6km away on the SS 485. This beautifully preserved romanesque structure originates from the 9th Century. It houses impressive 14th Century frescoes in the apse above the upper altar.

Porto San Giorgio

The port that once serviced the Roman town of Fermo is now a stylish sandy seaside resort on the Adriatic with a small working port. There is a small but eclectic mix of shops and in high summer the place comes alive with gigs, festas concerts and other entertainments.

Much of its elegance comes from  the Liberty Style art nouveau architecture from the turn of the 19th century. Porto San Giorgios 13th century fortress, built by Lorenzo Tiepolo, famous from his works in Venice, has robust towers and high keep. This jewel of Le Marches Adriatic Riviera has a fine sandy beach and some superb but  moderately priced restaurants


South of Porto San Giorgio is Pedaso, The Adriatic Coast of Le Marche’s “mussel beach” – the seafood delicacy is farmed on concrete pillars off the coast, Pedaso has a short, gravely beach and is home to scuba and skindiving.

Porto Sant’Elpidio

The Adriatic Riviera resort of San Elpidio lies to the north of Porto San Giorgio, it has a long beach accessed through pine woods at the northern end and many outlet shoe shops on the SS16 road. There are also some good restaurants and kids play areas some with zipwires.

Cupra Marittima

Far from the madding crowd and untouched by mass tourism, this tranquil Le Marche resort on the Adriatic sea is surrounded by lush vegetation. This Adriatic riviera resort has a good spacious clean sandy beach (2.5kms long), and an attractive port overlooked by the fortified medieval walls of the town. It also has an interesting shell museum.

Beach holidays on the Adriatic sea of Le Marche Italy

The seaside resorts of the Adriatic Coast in the Le Marche region are crowded only from mid-July to the third week of August when the Italians take their annual holidays. The rest of the time when the weather is hot, you’ll have plenty of space and find the Italians looking at you strangely and wondering why you are on the beach outside peak period.

Although all resorts on the Adriatic Sea in le Marche have scetions of free public beach (spiaggia libera), it’s not as well kept and clean as the private beaches. For a proper Beach holiday in Italy and the real Italian beach experience you will need to bite the bullet and select one of the private Italian Adriatic beaches denoted by their uniform banks of umbrellas and sun beds. These are not usually that expensive, especially if you wish to take advantage of their facilities which include changing rooms, showers, toilets, childrens playgrounds and restaurants and bars. They are also the best place to watch Italian holidaymakers on the Adriatic Coast up close and compare the peacocks strutting along the shore in their dark glasses and revealing beachwear.

The Adriatic resorts of  Le Marche include one of the highest number of beaches of any region in Italy that have won the  prestigious European Blue Flag award for environmentally well-kept beaches. The important “eco-label” is given to parts of the coast that meet strict criteria including beach water quality, environmental management, safety and other services.


This small adriatic resort is deep in the Conero national Park  and is found at the end of a windy road with great views. The sandy Adriatic beach; which has plenty of  restaurants and bars  is split in two by the Fortino Napoleonico, a fort (now a hotel) built in 1808 by Napoleon’s Italian Viceroy to fight off English ships. As the lush Conero oaks reach the sea at Portonovo you will see the Romanesque church of Santa Maria. Built between 1034 and 1048, its Norman form is strangely unique in Italy.

The Adriatic resorts of Sirolo & Numana

You will find the Conero national park’s main two resorts to the South of Portonovo. Sirolo is set on the Spruce clad cliffs and has a medieval centre and many great seafood restaurants,from the small piazza that perches high above the sea you can drive or walk down to a series of small coves that boast tattorias serving up fresh fish. Head south and you will reach the marina and then the long Adriatic drag of Numana. It  has a superb long  with plenty of sports and activities and an archeology museum documenting the history of the Piceni tribes who lived here until Rome muscled in (Via La Fenice, 4). Head to the southern end for trampolining and gokarts and stay later for the amazing clubs and nightlife on offer. Make sure that you visit a Cantina or two whilst at Conero, it is home to arguably Marche’s best wine, the robust Rosso Conero made primarilyfrom Montepulciano grapes

Porto Recanati

The nearest Le Marche beach to Agriturismo Fontechiara is Porto Recanati with its coarse sand, stylish shops, childrens play areas it makes a great day out. Combine this with a visit to Recanati itself, Osimo or the amazing basilica at Loreto

Porto Potenza Picena

To the north of Civitanova Marche and also close to the B&B is Porto Potenza Picena – it has a good sandy beach and is near the lovely town of Potenza Picena and the well preserved 18th century Villa and gardens at Giardino Bonaccorsi.

Civitanova Marche

Civitanova Marche combines an Adriatic seaside resort with a vibrant fishing port and is also centre for the Italian footwear industry. It is a long seaside resort of coarse sand that is split, by the fishing port, into a North and South beach

The promenade by the South beach has a collection of nice gardens and some impressive childrens playgrounds. The Adriatic town itself has its centre in Piazza XX Settembre which has plenty of stylish shops and green public gardens, This is the home to the sprawling market on Saturday mornings. The North shore has some more interesting kinks formed by breakwaters and cafes that include Cocoloco a favourite for its incredible range of  Gelati  or Ice Creams

Four km inland from the beach at Civitanova Marche is the Medieval hilltop town of Civitanova Marche Alta, It often hosts Summer festas and pageants within its medieval walls amongst the ancient palaces and churches and has an extremely good modern Italian art gallery in the civic Galleria d’Arte Moderna.

One of the Marche’s earliest and most distinguished churches, Santa Maria a Piè di Chientiis 6km away on the SS 485. This beautifully preserved romanesque structure originates from the 9th Century. It houses impressive 14th Century frescoes in the apse above the upper altar.

Porto San Giorgio

The port that once serviced the Roman town of Fermo is now a stylish sandy seaside resort on the Adriatic with a small working port. There is a small but eclectic mix of shops and in high summer the place comes alive with gigs, festas concerts and other entertainments.

Much of its elegance comes from  the Liberty Style art nouveau architecture from the turn of the 19th century. Porto San Giorgios 13th century fortress, built by Lorenzo Tiepolo, famous from his works in Venice, has robust towers and high keep. This jewel of Le Marches Adriatic Riviera has a fine sandy beach and some superb but  moderately priced restaurants


South of Porto San Giorgio is Pedaso, The Adriatic Coast of Le Marche’s “mussel beach” – the seafood delicacy is farmed on concrete pillars off the coast, Pedaso has a short, gravely beach and is home to scuba and skindiving.

Porto Sant’Elpidio

The Adriatic Riviera resort of San Elpidio lies to the north of Porto San Giorgio, it has a long beach accessed through pine woods at the northern end and many outlet shoe shops on the SS16 road. There are also some good restaurants and kids play areas some with zipwires.

Cupra Marittima

Far from the madding crowd and untouched by mass tourism, this tranquil Le Marche resort on the Adriatic sea is surrounded by lush vegetation. This Adriatic riviera resort has a good spacious clean sandy beach (2.5kms long), and an attractive port overlooked by the fortified medieval walls of the town. It also has an interesting shell museum.

Beach holidays on the Adriatic sea of Le Marche Italy

The seaside resorts of the Adriatic Coast in the Le Marche region are crowded only from mid-July to the third week of August when the Italians take their annual holidays. The rest of the time when the weather is hot, you’ll have plenty of space and find the Italians looking at you strangely and wondering why you are on the beach outside peak period.

Although all resorts on the Adriatic Sea in le Marche have scetions of free public beach (spiaggia libera), it’s not as well kept and clean as the private beaches. For a proper Beach holiday in Italy and the real Italian beach experience you will need to bite the bullet and select one of the private Italian Adriatic beaches denoted by their uniform banks of umbrellas and sun beds. These are not usually that expensive, especially if you wish to take advantage of their facilities which include changing rooms, showers, toilets, childrens playgrounds and restaurants and bars. They are also the best place to watch Italian holidaymakers on the Adriatic Coast up close and compare the peacocks strutting along the shore in their dark glasses and revealing beachwear.

The Adriatic resorts of  Le Marche include one of the highest number of beaches of any region in Italy that have won the  prestigious European Blue Flag award for environmentally well-kept beaches. The important “eco-label” is given to parts of the coast that meet strict criteria including beach water quality, environmental management, safety and other services.


This small adriatic resort is deep in the Conero national Park  and is found at the end of a windy road with great views. The sandy Adriatic beach; which has plenty of  restaurants and bars  is split in two by the Fortino Napoleonico, a fort (now a hotel) built in 1808 by Napoleon’s Italian Viceroy to fight off English ships. As the lush Conero oaks reach the sea at Portonovo you will see the Romanesque church of Santa Maria. Built between 1034 and 1048, its Norman form is strangely unique in Italy.

The Adriatic resorts of Sirolo & Numana

You will find the Conero national park’s main two resorts to the South of Portonovo. Sirolo is set on the Spruce clad cliffs and has a medieval centre and many great seafood restaurants,from the small piazza that perches high above the sea you can drive or walk down to a series of small coves that boast tattorias serving up fresh fish. Head south and you will reach the marina and then the long Adriatic drag of Numana. It  has a superb long  with plenty of sports and activities and an archeology museum documenting the history of the Piceni tribes who lived here until Rome muscled in (Via La Fenice, 4). Head to the southern end for trampolining and gokarts and stay later for the amazing clubs and nightlife on offer. Make sure that you visit a Cantina or two whilst at Conero, it is home to arguably Marche’s best wine, the robust Rosso Conero made primarilyfrom Montepulciano grapes

Porto Recanati

The nearest Le Marche beach to Agriturismo Fontechiara is Porto Recanati with its coarse sand, stylish shops, childrens play areas it makes a great day out. Combine this with a visit to Recanati itself, Osimo or the amazing basilica at Loreto

Porto Potenza Picena

To the north of Civitanova Marche and also close to the B&B is Porto Potenza Picena – it has a good sandy beach and is near the lovely town of Potenza Picena and the well preserved 18th century Villa and gardens at Giardino Bonaccorsi.

Civitanova Marche

Civitanova Marche combines an Adriatic seaside resort with a vibrant fishing port and is also centre for the Italian footwear industry. It is a long seaside resort of coarse sand that is split, by the fishing port, into a North and South beach

The promenade by the South beach has a collection of nice gardens and some impressive childrens playgrounds. The Adriatic town itself has its centre in Piazza XX Settembre which has plenty of stylish shops and green public gardens, This is the home to the sprawling market on Saturday mornings. The North shore has some more interesting kinks formed by breakwaters and cafes that include Cocoloco a favourite for its incredible range of  Gelati  or Ice Creams

Four km inland from the beach at Civitanova Marche is the Medieval hilltop town of Civitanova Marche Alta, It often hosts Summer festas and pageants within its medieval walls amongst the ancient palaces and churches and has an extremely good modern Italian art gallery in the civic Galleria d’Arte Moderna.

One of the Marche’s earliest and most distinguished churches, Santa Maria a Piè di Chientiis 6km away on the SS 485. This beautifully preserved romanesque structure originates from the 9th Century. It houses impressive 14th Century frescoes in the apse above the upper altar.

Porto San Giorgio

The port that once serviced the Roman town of Fermo is now a stylish sandy seaside resort on the Adriatic with a small working port. There is a small but eclectic mix of shops and in high summer the place comes alive with gigs, festas concerts and other entertainments.

Much of its elegance comes from  the Liberty Style art nouveau architecture from the turn of the 19th century. Porto San Giorgios 13th century fortress, built by Lorenzo Tiepolo, famous from his works in Venice, has robust towers and high keep. This jewel of Le Marches Adriatic Riviera has a fine sandy beach and some superb but  moderately priced restaurants


South of Porto San Giorgio is Pedaso, The Adriatic Coast of Le Marche’s “mussel beach” – the seafood delicacy is farmed on concrete pillars off the coast, Pedaso has a short, gravely beach and is home to scuba and skindiving.

Porto Sant’Elpidio

The Adriatic Riviera resort of San Elpidio lies to the north of Porto San Giorgio, it has a long beach accessed through pine woods at the northern end and many outlet shoe shops on the SS16 road. There are also some good restaurants and kids play areas some with zipwires.

Cupra Marittima

Far from the madding crowd and untouched by mass tourism, this tranquil Le Marche resort on the Adriatic sea is surrounded by lush vegetation. This Adriatic riviera resort has a good spacious clean sandy beach (2.5kms long), and an attractive port overlooked by the fortified medieval walls of the town. It also has an interesting shell museum.

Beach holidays on the Adriatic sea of Le Marche Italy

The seaside resorts of the Adriatic Coast in the Le Marche region are crowded only from mid-July to the third week of August when the Italians take their annual holidays. The rest of the time when the weather is hot, you’ll have plenty of space and find the Italians looking at you strangely and wondering why you are on the beach outside peak period.

Although all resorts on the Adriatic Sea in le Marche have scetions of free public beach (spiaggia libera), it’s not as well kept and clean as the private beaches. For a proper Beach holiday in Italy and the real Italian beach experience you will need to bite the bullet and select one of the private Italian Adriatic beaches denoted by their uniform banks of umbrellas and sun beds. These are not usually that expensive, especially if you wish to take advantage of their facilities which include changing rooms, showers, toilets, childrens playgrounds and restaurants and bars. They are also the best place to watch Italian holidaymakers on the Adriatic Coast up close and compare the peacocks strutting along the shore in their dark glasses and revealing beachwear.

The Adriatic resorts of  Le Marche include one of the highest number of beaches of any region in Italy that have won the  prestigious European Blue Flag award for environmentally well-kept beaches. The important “eco-label” is given to parts of the coast that meet strict criteria including beach water quality, environmental management, safety and other services.


This small adriatic resort is deep in the Conero national Park  and is found at the end of a windy road with great views. The sandy Adriatic beach; which has plenty of  restaurants and bars  is split in two by the Fortino Napoleonico, a fort (now a hotel) built in 1808 by Napoleon’s Italian Viceroy to fight off English ships. As the lush Conero oaks reach the sea at Portonovo you will see the Romanesque church of Santa Maria. Built between 1034 and 1048, its Norman form is strangely unique in Italy.

The Adriatic resorts of Sirolo & Numana

You will find the Conero national park’s main two resorts to the South of Portonovo. Sirolo is set on the Spruce clad cliffs and has a medieval centre and many great seafood restaurants,from the small piazza that perches high above the sea you can drive or walk down to a series of small coves that boast tattorias serving up fresh fish. Head south and you will reach the marina and then the long Adriatic drag of Numana. It  has a superb long  with plenty of sports and activities and an archeology museum documenting the history of the Piceni tribes who lived here until Rome muscled in (Via La Fenice, 4). Head to the southern end for trampolining and gokarts and stay later for the amazing clubs and nightlife on offer. Make sure that you visit a Cantina or two whilst at Conero, it is home to arguably Marche’s best wine, the robust Rosso Conero made primarilyfrom Montepulciano grapes

Porto Recanati

The nearest Le Marche beach to Agriturismo Fontechiara is Porto Recanati with its coarse sand, stylish shops, childrens play areas it makes a great day out. Combine this with a visit to Recanati itself, Osimo or the amazing basilica at Loreto

Porto Potenza Picena

To the north of Civitanova Marche and also close to the B&B is Porto Potenza Picena – it has a good sandy beach and is near the lovely town of Potenza Picena and the well preserved 18th century Villa and gardens at Giardino Bonaccorsi.

Civitanova Marche

Civitanova Marche combines an Adriatic seaside resort with a vibrant fishing port and is also centre for the Italian footwear industry. It is a long seaside resort of coarse sand that is split, by the fishing port, into a North and South beach

The promenade by the South beach has a collection of nice gardens and some impressive childrens playgrounds. The Adriatic town itself has its centre in Piazza XX Settembre which has plenty of stylish shops and green public gardens, This is the home to the sprawling market on Saturday mornings. The North shore has some more interesting kinks formed by breakwaters and cafes that include Cocoloco a favourite for its incredible range of  Gelati  or Ice Creams

Four km inland from the beach at Civitanova Marche is the Medieval hilltop town of Civitanova Marche Alta, It often hosts Summer festas and pageants within its medieval walls amongst the ancient palaces and churches and has an extremely good modern Italian art gallery in the civic Galleria d’Arte Moderna.

One of the Marche’s earliest and most distinguished churches, Santa Maria a Piè di Chientiis 6km away on the SS 485. This beautifully preserved romanesque structure originates from the 9th Century. It houses impressive 14th Century frescoes in the apse above the upper altar.

Porto San Giorgio

The port that once serviced the Roman town of Fermo is now a stylish sandy seaside resort on the Adriatic with a small working port. There is a small but eclectic mix of shops and in high summer the place comes alive with gigs, festas concerts and other entertainments.

Much of its elegance comes from  the Liberty Style art nouveau architecture from the turn of the 19th century. Porto San Giorgios 13th century fortress, built by Lorenzo Tiepolo, famous from his works in Venice, has robust towers and high keep. This jewel of Le Marches Adriatic Riviera has a fine sandy beach and some superb but  moderately priced restaurants


South of Porto San Giorgio is Pedaso, The Adriatic Coast of Le Marche’s “mussel beach” – the seafood delicacy is farmed on concrete pillars off the coast, Pedaso has a short, gravely beach and is home to scuba and skindiving.

Porto Sant’Elpidio

The Adriatic Riviera resort of San Elpidio lies to the north of Porto San Giorgio, it has a long beach accessed through pine woods at the northern end and many outlet shoe shops on the SS16 road. There are also some good restaurants and kids play areas some with zipwires.

Cupra Marittima

Far from the madding crowd and untouched by mass tourism, this tranquil Le Marche resort on the Adriatic sea is surrounded by lush vegetation. This Adriatic riviera resort has a good spacious clean sandy beach (2.5kms long), and an attractive port overlooked by the fortified medieval walls of the town. It also has an interesting shell museum.

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