vacanze pesca nelle marche italiaVacanze Pesca nelle Marche

La posizione privilegiata di Fontechiara offre innumerevoli opportunità per praticare un hobby rilassante come la pesca. Sono a portata di mano sia laghi e fiumi  con acque limpide immersi nello scenario suggestivo dei monti appennini che la costa variopinta dell’Adriatico tra la scogliera del monte Conero e le spiagge bianche della provincia di Fermo.

Di grande importanza è il lago di Cingoli, il bacino artificiale più grande del Centro-Italia con una estensione di ca. 90 chilometri quadrati e una profondità che raggiunge i settanta metri, ambiente ricco di fauna acquatica e di uccelli migratori. L’acqua cristallina e le piante sommerse offrono ottimi ripari per persici trota e lucci di notevoli dimensioni, oltre a luccioperca, trote fario, persici reali, cavedani, carassi, scardole e carpe. E’ presente anche l’enorme pesce siluro. sea fishing le marche italyE’ richiesta la licenza di pesca B e il lago è navigabile solo con natanti elettrici e pedalò, noleggiabili nei diversi stabilimenti balneari, godibili da tutta la famiglia.

Per chi fosse sprovvisto di licenza ma vorrebbe mettersi alla prova ugualmente, può raggiungere i bellissimi laghi di pesca sportiva di Sefro e Pioraco , dove ci si diverte con la pesca alla trota, pagando una quota giornaliera.

La costa adriatica attira i pescatori durante tutto l’anno. In 45 minuti si raggiunge Civitanova Marche e la foce del fiume Chienti che richiama molte specie ittiche e assicura le catture ma soprattutto il divertimento. Nei giorni di mare calmo è facile che abbocchino lecce stella e aguglie. Chi volesse insidiare i grandi predatori del sottocosta, ha l’opportunità di catturare pesci serra di discreta taglia e lecce  amia che frequentano la foce richiamati dai numerosissimi cefali. vacanze pesca le marche italySi pescano anche spigole e mormore, occhiate e ombrine. E’altrettanto affascinante, osservare i pescatori del luogo che praticano la pesca da riva con la rete denominata rezzaglio e riescono a catturare  cefali, sardoni e triglie e sono sempre ben disposti a fare due chiacchiere e a dispensare il loro sapere.

Il parco naturale protetto del monte Conero offre uno scenario mozzafiato con le sue insenature nascoste, spesso raggiungibili solo a piedi e le sue acque cristalline, ricche di fauna acquatica.

Dai porti di Ancona e Fermo è possibile partecipare ad un’uscita in mare a bordo di uno dei pescherecci. Le gite permettono la pesca con canna in alto mare e comprendono un pranzo o una cena di pesce, che viene preparata e consumata in allegra convivialità direttamente a bordo. Emozione e divertimento sono assicurati.

Il prezzo della gita in barca compreso il pranzo costa tra 60,00 – 70,00 € a persona.

L’attrezzatura di base può essere noleggiata a Fontechiara, inoltre organizziamo gite al mare e lezioni sulla tecnica di pesca con la rete da riva, una vecchia tradizione che dà molte soddisfazioni.


“L’Agriturismo Fontechiara si trova nelle Marche, in provincia di Macerata a 4 km da Treia.

Si può scegliere una vacanza Bed and Breakfast – B&B,  ma agli amanti dello slow food e della cucina genuina proponiamo vacanze in mezza pensione o in pensione completa.

Un soggiorno a Fontechiara permette di seguire lo spirito dell’ ecoturismo e dà l’opportunità di gustare in un ambiente incantevole, i nostri prodotti biologici e regionali, come l’olio d’oliva extravergine Fontechiara ed i rinomati vini marchigiani.

Il casale coniuga armoniosamente il fascino antico con le moderne comodità  ed ha una piscina circondata dal verde.

Offriamo vacanze dedicate alla tranquillità, allo yoga, all’arte, alla pesca o all’acquisizione di conoscenze sulla produzione e la valutazione dell’olio d’oliva extravergine; i nostri ospiti stranieri possono partecipare alle lezioni d’italiano mentre i dintorni sono perfetti per una vacanza sportiva in sella ad una mountain bike o per fare una gita di shopping in uno dei tanti outlet della regione.

Accogliamo con piacere anche i nostri amici a quattro zampe, cani e gatti e offriamo un servizio di dog sitting qualificato.

Nelle Marche si trovano spiagge incantevoli, montagne mozzafiato, boschi preziosi, natura incontaminata e innumerevoli luoghi di interesse storico e artistico oltre agli infiniti piaceri enogastronomici. E’ veramente “L’Italia in una regione”.

vacanze pesca nelle marche italiaVacanze Pesca nelle Marche

La posizione privilegiata di Fontechiara offre innumerevoli opportunità per praticare un hobby rilassante come la pesca. Sono a portata di mano sia laghi e fiumi  con acque limpide immersi nello scenario suggestivo dei monti appennini che la costa variopinta dell’Adriatico tra la scogliera del monte Conero e le spiagge bianche della provincia di Fermo.

Di grande importanza è il lago di Cingoli, il bacino artificiale più grande del Centro-Italia con una estensione di ca. 90 chilometri quadrati e una profondità che raggiunge i settanta metri, ambiente ricco di fauna acquatica e di uccelli migratori. L’acqua cristallina e le piante sommerse offrono ottimi ripari per persici trota e lucci di notevoli dimensioni, oltre a luccioperca, trote fario, persici reali, cavedani, carassi, scardole e carpe. E’ presente anche l’enorme pesce siluro. sea fishing le marche italyE’ richiesta la licenza di pesca B e il lago è navigabile solo con natanti elettrici e pedalò, noleggiabili nei diversi stabilimenti balneari, godibili da tutta la famiglia.

Per chi fosse sprovvisto di licenza ma vorrebbe mettersi alla prova ugualmente, può raggiungere i bellissimi laghi di pesca sportiva di Sefro e Pioraco , dove ci si diverte con la pesca alla trota, pagando una quota giornaliera.

La costa adriatica attira i pescatori durante tutto l’anno. In 45 minuti si raggiunge Civitanova Marche e la foce del fiume Chienti che richiama molte specie ittiche e assicura le catture ma soprattutto il divertimento. Nei giorni di mare calmo è facile che abbocchino lecce stella e aguglie. Chi volesse insidiare i grandi predatori del sottocosta, ha l’opportunità di catturare pesci serra di discreta taglia e lecce  amia che frequentano la foce richiamati dai numerosissimi cefali. vacanze pesca le marche italySi pescano anche spigole e mormore, occhiate e ombrine. E’altrettanto affascinante, osservare i pescatori del luogo che praticano la pesca da riva con la rete denominata rezzaglio e riescono a catturare  cefali, sardoni e triglie e sono sempre ben disposti a fare due chiacchiere e a dispensare il loro sapere.

Il parco naturale protetto del monte Conero offre uno scenario mozzafiato con le sue insenature nascoste, spesso raggiungibili solo a piedi e le sue acque cristalline, ricche di fauna acquatica.

Dai porti di Ancona e Fermo è possibile partecipare ad un’uscita in mare a bordo di uno dei pescherecci. Le gite permettono la pesca con canna in alto mare e comprendono un pranzo o una cena di pesce, che viene preparata e consumata in allegra convivialità direttamente a bordo. Emozione e divertimento sono assicurati.

Le Marche Fishing Holidays in Italy

The privileged position of Agriturismo Fontechiara offers countless opportunities to indulge ina relaxing hobby like fishing. They are on hand both lakes and rivers with clear water surrounded by the beautiful scenery of the Apennines mountains to the coast of the Adriatic between the multicolored cliffs of Monte Conero and the white beaches of the province of Fermo.

Lake Fishing holidays in Le Marche Italy

Of great importance is Lake Cingoli, the largest artificial reservoir in Central Italy, with an area of ??approx. 90 square kilometers and a depth of up to seventy meters, it is a rich environment of aquatic fauna and migratory birds. The crystal clear water and submerged plants provide excellent shelter for trout and pike perch of considerable size, as well as chub, crucian carp, rudd and carp. If youve got a big enough rod you can try to fish for the huge Siluro fish. If you wish to go fishing on holiday in Italy you are required to have the fishing license B and the lake is navigable only with electric and pedal boats that can be rented in various bathing area and can be enjoyed by the whole family.
For those without an Italian Fishing license who would like to fish on holiday in Italy, we are close to the  wonderful sport fishing lakes of Pioraco and Sefro, where you have fun with trout fishing, paying a daily fee.

Sea Fishing holidays in Le Marche Italy

The Adriatic coast attracts fishermen throughout the year and a sea fishing holiday in Italy doesnt require a fishing licence. In 45 minutes you reach Civitanova Marche and the mouth of the river Chienti that attracts many species of fish that guarantees fish catches and great fun. Most Summer days see calm seas and its easy to catch grey and red mullets, catching bass and bream, bream and croaker. It’s quite an experience to observe the local fishermen that fish from the shore with their old fashioned nets and are able to catch mullet, sardines and are always willing to chat and to dispense their wisdom.
The nature reserve of Mount Conero offers breathtaking scenery with its hidden coves, often accessible only by foot, and its crystal clear waters, rich in aquatic fauna.
From the ports of Ancona and Fermo can participate in an exit into the sea on board a vessel. The tours allow fishing lines on the high seas and include a lunch or dinner of fish, which is prepared and consumed in merry conviviality on board. Excitement and fun are guaranteed.

Le Marche Fishing Holidays in Italy

The privileged position of Agriturismo Fontechiara offers countless opportunities to indulge ina relaxing hobby like fishing. They are on hand both lakes and rivers with clear water surrounded by the beautiful scenery of the Apennines mountains to the coast of the Adriatic between the multicolored cliffs of Monte Conero and the white beaches of the province of Fermo.

Lake Fishing holidays in Le Marche Italy

Of great importance is Lake Cingoli, the largest artificial reservoir in Central Italy, with an area of ??approx. 90 square kilometers and a depth of up to seventy meters, it is a rich environment of aquatic fauna and migratory birds. The crystal clear water and submerged plants provide excellent shelter for trout and pike perch of considerable size, as well as chub, crucian carp, rudd and carp. If youve got a big enough rod you can try to fish for the huge Siluro fish. If you wish to go fishing on holiday in Italy you are required to have the fishing license B and the lake is navigable only with electric and pedal boats that can be rented in various bathing area and can be enjoyed by the whole family.
For those without an Italian Fishing license who would like to fish on holiday in Italy, we are close to the  wonderful sport fishing lakes of Pioraco and Sefro, where you have fun with trout fishing, paying a daily fee.

Sea Fishing holidays in Le Marche Italy

The Adriatic coast attracts fishermen throughout the year and a sea fishing holiday in Italy doesnt require a fishing licence. In 45 minutes you reach Civitanova Marche and the mouth of the river Chienti that attracts many species of fish that guarantees fish catches and great fun. Most Summer days see calm seas and its easy to catch grey and red mullets, catching bass and bream, bream and croaker. It’s quite an experience to observe the local fishermen that fish from the shore with their old fashioned nets and are able to catch mullet, sardines and are always willing to chat and to dispense their wisdom.
The nature reserve of Mount Conero offers breathtaking scenery with its hidden coves, often accessible only by foot, and its crystal clear waters, rich in aquatic fauna.
From the ports of Ancona and Fermo can participate in an exit into the sea on board a vessel. The tours allow fishing lines on the high seas and include a lunch or dinner of fish, which is prepared and consumed in merry conviviality on board. Excitement and fun are guaranteed.

Le Marche Fishing Holidays in Italy

The privileged position of Agriturismo Fontechiara offers countless opportunities to indulge ina relaxing hobby like fishing. They are on hand both lakes and rivers with clear water surrounded by the beautiful scenery of the Apennines mountains to the coast of the Adriatic between the multicolored cliffs of Monte Conero and the white beaches of the province of Fermo.

Lake Fishing holidays in Le Marche Italy

Of great importance is Lake Cingoli, the largest artificial reservoir in Central Italy, with an area of ??approx. 90 square kilometers and a depth of up to seventy meters, it is a rich environment of aquatic fauna and migratory birds. The crystal clear water and submerged plants provide excellent shelter for trout and pike perch of considerable size, as well as chub, crucian carp, rudd and carp. If youve got a big enough rod you can try to fish for the huge Siluro fish. If you wish to go fishing on holiday in Italy you are required to have the fishing license B and the lake is navigable only with electric and pedal boats that can be rented in various bathing area and can be enjoyed by the whole family.
For those without an Italian Fishing license who would like to fish on holiday in Italy, we are close to the  wonderful sport fishing lakes of Pioraco and Sefro, where you have fun with trout fishing, paying a daily fee.

Sea Fishing holidays in Le Marche Italy

The Adriatic coast attracts fishermen throughout the year and a sea fishing holiday in Italy doesnt require a fishing licence. In 45 minutes you reach Civitanova Marche and the mouth of the river Chienti that attracts many species of fish that guarantees fish catches and great fun. Most Summer days see calm seas and its easy to catch grey and red mullets, catching bass and bream, bream and croaker. It’s quite an experience to observe the local fishermen that fish from the shore with their old fashioned nets and are able to catch mullet, sardines and are always willing to chat and to dispense their wisdom.
The nature reserve of Mount Conero offers breathtaking scenery with its hidden coves, often accessible only by foot, and its crystal clear waters, rich in aquatic fauna.
From the ports of Ancona and Fermo can participate in an exit into the sea on board a vessel. The tours allow fishing lines on the high seas and include a lunch or dinner of fish, which is prepared and consumed in merry conviviality on board. Excitement and fun are guaranteed.

Le Marche Fishing Holidays in Italy

The privileged position of Agriturismo Fontechiara offers countless opportunities to indulge ina relaxing hobby like fishing. They are on hand both lakes and rivers with clear water surrounded by the beautiful scenery of the Apennines mountains to the coast of the Adriatic between the multicolored cliffs of Monte Conero and the white beaches of the province of Fermo.

Lake Fishing holidays in Le Marche Italy

Of great importance is Lake Cingoli, the largest artificial reservoir in Central Italy, with an area of ??approx. 90 square kilometers and a depth of up to seventy meters, it is a rich environment of aquatic fauna and migratory birds. The crystal clear water and submerged plants provide excellent shelter for trout and pike perch of considerable size, as well as chub, crucian carp, rudd and carp. If youve got a big enough rod you can try to fish for the huge Siluro fish. If you wish to go fishing on holiday in Italy you are required to have the fishing license B and the lake is navigable only with electric and pedal boats that can be rented in various bathing area and can be enjoyed by the whole family.
For those without an Italian Fishing license who would like to fish on holiday in Italy, we are close to the  wonderful sport fishing lakes of Pioraco and Sefro, where you have fun with trout fishing, paying a daily fee.

Sea Fishing holidays in Le Marche Italy

The Adriatic coast attracts fishermen throughout the year and a sea fishing holiday in Italy doesnt require a fishing licence. In 45 minutes you reach Civitanova Marche and the mouth of the river Chienti that attracts many species of fish that guarantees fish catches and great fun. Most Summer days see calm seas and its easy to catch grey and red mullets, catching bass and bream, bream and croaker. It’s quite an experience to observe the local fishermen that fish from the shore with their old fashioned nets and are able to catch mullet, sardines and are always willing to chat and to dispense their wisdom.
The nature reserve of Mount Conero offers breathtaking scenery with its hidden coves, often accessible only by foot, and its crystal clear waters, rich in aquatic fauna.
From the ports of Ancona and Fermo can participate in an exit into the sea on board a vessel. The tours allow fishing lines on the high seas and include a lunch or dinner of fish, which is prepared and consumed in merry conviviality on board. Excitement and fun are guaranteed.

© Copyright B & B Italy agriturismo Le Marche, italy bed & breakfast le marche - PIVA 01398620433