Le Marche – il centro dell’Italia
Le Marche sono rimaste a lungo sconosciute ai grandi flussi turistici. Mentre la Toscana e l’Umbria attirano da sempre orde di turisti soprattutto stranieri, delle Marche si conosce per di più la città di Urbino, quale luogo di nascita del rinascimento e Ancona per il suo porto. Le Marche non hanno niente da invidiare alle altre regioni del centro-Italia e forse per questo sono gelosamente custodite dai suoi abitanti, mantenendo intatto tutto il fascino di questa regione e preservandola dal turismo di massa e dalle sue inevitabili conseguenze, quali aumento di prezzi e decadimento della qualità.
C’è un vero tesoro tra le spiagge dell’adriatico e le cime dei Monti Sibillini, tutto da scoprire.
Le Marche – le sue province
Una delle città più conosciute delle Marche è probabilmente Urbino, uno dei centri più importanti del rinascimento italiano ed è cambiata poco da quando, nella seconda meta del quindicesimo secolo il Duca Federico di Montefeltro riuniva la sua corte.
L’altra grande città del nord delle Marche è Pesaro con i suoi stabilimenti balneari, il centro città pieno di negozi e i ristoranti famosi per il pesce dell’adriatico.
Il capoluogo della regione Marche è Ancona, una città dall’atmosfera cosmopolita e un po’ caotica, avendo uno dei porti più importanti del mediterraneo che è il punto di partenza principale per i traghetti, diretti in Croazia, Grecia e Turchia.
Al sud delle Marche troviamo la provincia di Ascoli Piceno, un’incantevole città medievale, famosa per la sua cucina, il fantastico mercato dell’antiquariato ma soprattutto per la sua meravigliosa piazza in travertino, la più bella in Italia.
Un altro capoluogo di provincia è Macerata. La città è circondata dalle antiche mura che racchiudono un centro pieno di vicoli e piazze e gallerie d’arte da scoprire. Ma Macerata è famosa soprattutto per lo Sferisterio, dove ogni anno si svolge l’importante opera festival.
Il vostro viaggio nelle Marche dovrebbe completare il suo itinerario turistico con una visita in molte altre piccole citta medioevali come: Treia, Camerino, Cingoli, Jesi, Offida, Tolentino, Recanati, Loreto, Sarnano, Visso
Recentemente anche Fermo è stata promossa a capoluogo di provincia e presenta molte attrattive architettoniche come il lungo corso al centro e le antiche cisterne romane nel sottosuolo della città, visitabili dopo aver pagato il biglietto d’ingresso nell’ufficio turistico locale.
Segue una lista delle principali località balneari
Le Marche – la sua natura
Chi visita questa regione, rimane incantato dalla sua bellezza.
A sud-ovest troviamo il parco naturale dei Monti Sibillini con le sue cime innevate fino a tarda primavera, al centro è situato il complesso ipogeo delle Grotte di Frasassi, che con i suoi 30 km di estensione rappresenta uno dei percorsi sotterranei più grandiosi e affascinanti del mondo.
Andando verso nord, incontriamo la gola del Furlo, un passaggio tra le montagne che provoca forti emozioni, usato fin dai tempi preistorici, e a ovest, ai piedi dei Monti Sibillini, la Gola dei Frati e la Gola dell’Infernaccio, un canyon di 18 km, scavato tra le rocce calcaree.
Ad est questa meravigliosa regione è baciata dal mare adriatico. Tra il parco naturale del Monte Conero e le bianche spiagge di Porto S.Giorgio c’è l’imbarazzo della scelta per gli amanti dell’ambiente marino.
Per esplorare la nostra regione o per sostare in un posto tranquillo dove godersi la buona cucina e qualche passeggiata nella natura o tra le mura medievali del borgo di Treia, c’è l’agriturismo Fontechiara, un posto perfetto per una vacanza bed e breakfast – B&B o con mezza pensione.
“L’Agriturismo Fontechiara si trova nelle Marche, in provincia di Macerata a 4 km da Treia.
Si può scegliere una vacanza Bed and Breakfast – B&B, ma agli amanti dello slow food e della cucina genuina proponiamo vacanze in mezza pensione.
Un soggiorno a Fontechiara permette di seguire lo spirito dell’ ecoturismo e dà l’opportunità di assaggiare in un ambiente incantevole, i nostri prodotti biologici e regionali, come l’olio d’oliva extravergine Fontechiara ed i rinomati vini marchigiani.
Il casale coniuga armoniosamente il fascino antico con le moderne comodità ed ha una piscina circondata dal verde.
Offriamo vacanze dedicate alla tranquillità, all’arte, alla pesca o all’acquisizione di conoscenze sulla produzione e la valutazione dell’olio d’oliva extravergine; i dintorni sono perfetti per una vacanza sportiva in sella ad una mountain bike o per fare una gita di shopping in uno dei tanti outlet della regione.
Accogliamo con piacere anche i nostri amici a quattro zampe.
Nelle Marche si trovano spiagge incantevoli, montagne mozzafiato, boschi preziosi, natura incontaminata e innumerevoli luoghi di interesse storico e artistico oltre agli infiniti piaceri enogastronomici.
E’ veramente “L’Italia in una regione”.
Consultate i nostri prezzi e le offerte speciali per una vacanza indimenticabile.”
Le Marche region, central Italy
Holiday travel to Italy started In the 19th Century when Travellers came to Tuscany, Umbria and the Marches as part of the Grand tour, Le Marche and particularly Urbino was a place of artistic importance being the birthplace of the Renaissance. Nowadays the Marches is more commonly known as Le Marche and visitors to Central Italy are once again being enchanted by a region that is equally beautiful to Tuscany but has the added benefit of lower costs, being less crowded, less affected by mass tourism, it has the stunning backdrop of the awesome Sibillini Mountains plus the fantastic Adriatic Coast.
The Le Marche region lies on the eastern side of central Italy and is hemmed in by the Adriatic Sea on the East and the high Apennine mountains on the West, in between, medieval villages dust the landscape that rolls from mountain to sea and is carpeted in lush farmland
When to visit Le Marche
The weather is usually very good from Mid April until late October, July and August are the hottest months but the hills and mountains usually benefit from a breeze. November and December are often bright and dry but colder and then the snow falls in the Mountains and you can ski at Sassotetto or Visso from Mid December until late March.
Le Marche region- the main towns
For a full list of the principal towns and places in Le Marche you should visit the places index or the clickable Marche map on the main tourist site.
Of the Le Marche region’s main towns, Urbino is often a favourite due to it being the founding site of the Renaissance, it has hardly changed from the days when Duke Federico of Montefeltro set up his celebrated court here in the second half of the 15th Century. Unusually, the Northern most province of Le Marche has a second capital; Pesaro which combines a lovely seaside resort with a busy town with good shops, fine beaches and great fish
The main capital of Le Marche is Ancona, a city with the feel of a ubiquitous busy mediteranean Port. it is also one of Italy’s principal ferry ports with boats to Croatia, Greece and Turkey.
The capital of the Southern most province of Le Marche is Ascoli Piceno. A lovely old town with great bars and food some wonderful galleries and a superb monthly antique market, its magnificent travertine Piazza is one of the most beautiful in Italy.
Another of Le Marche region’s provincial capitals is Macerata, a walled medieval town with some upmarket shops, lovely piazzas and a number of art galleries, it is also reknown for its annual outdoor opera festival that is one of Italys most important.
Many of Le Marche’s smaller medieval towns should be included in your holiday itinerary, these include: Treia, Camerino, Cingoli, Jesi, Offida, Tolentino, Recanati and Sarnano.
The lovely medieval town of Fermo has recently been made capital of a new province of Fermo, it has some wonderful architecture and a majestic main square that is built above a well preserved roman cistern that you can visit if you pay a small fee at the tourist office in the square.
We have also listed some of the many Le Marche seaside resorts in Adriatic coast beach guide.
Nature and Le Marche outdoors
The impression that Le Marche leaves on most tourists is its natural beauty and that ranges from the stunning Sibillini National Park to the south West of the Marches and its mountain peaks that remain snow covered untiol late April or May, then there are the Frasassi caves which is Europes biggest and most spectacular limestone underground cave system, travel North and you will find the Furlo Gorge, a dramatic passage through the mountains that has been used since prehistoric times and bears evidence of Roman excavations. To the west in the foothills of the Sibillini mountains are two of Italys most important and impressive Gorges: Gola dell’Infernaccio (Hells gorge) that it a dramatic 18km pass through limestone cliffs and Gola dei Frati (the monks gorge).
But you really don’t have to travel far, walk off our delicious meals by walking out of Agriturismo Fontechiara and either head into the hills or hike towards the medieval village of Treia, the scenery is stunning and so tranquil that you will rarely meet a soul.
For holidays in the Le Marche region there are many Marche hotels, villas and apartments, self catering rental properties, however, if you like your food and prefer slow travel off the beaten track and want to experience real Italy then you really sould come to Agriturismo Fontechiara where you can take your Le Marche Holiday at a farmhouse on a bed and breakfast / B&B basis or half board basis.
Le Marche region, central Italy
Holiday travel to Italy started In the 19th Century when Travellers came to Tuscany, Umbria and the Marches as part of the Grand tour, Le Marche and particularly Urbino was a place of artistic importance being the birthplace of the Renaissance. Nowadays the Marches is more commonly known as Le Marche and visitors to Central Italy are once again being enchanted by a region that is equally beautiful to Tuscany but has the added benefit of lower costs, being less crowded, less affected by mass tourism, it has the stunning backdrop of the awesome Sibillini Mountains plus the fantastic Adriatic Coast.
The Le Marche region lies on the eastern side of central Italy and is hemmed in by the Adriatic Sea on the East and the high Apennine mountains on the West, in between, medieval villages dust the landscape that rolls from mountain to sea and is carpeted in lush farmland
When to visit Le Marche
The weather is usually very good from Mid April until late October, July and August are the hottest months but the hills and mountains usually benefit from a breeze. November and December are often bright and dry but colder and then the snow falls in the Mountains and you can ski at Sassotetto or Visso from Mid December until late March.
Le Marche region- the main towns
For a full list of the principal towns and places in Le Marche you should visit the places index or the clickable Marche map on the main tourist site.
Of the Le Marche region’s main towns, Urbino is often a favourite due to it being the founding site of the Renaissance, it has hardly changed from the days when Duke Federico of Montefeltro set up his celebrated court here in the second half of the 15th Century. Unusually, the Northern most province of Le Marche has a second capital; Pesaro which combines a lovely seaside resort with a busy town with good shops, fine beaches and great fish
The main capital of Le Marche is Ancona, a city with the feel of a ubiquitous busy mediteranean Port. it is also one of Italy’s principal ferry ports with boats to Croatia, Greece and Turkey.
The capital of the Southern most province of Le Marche is Ascoli Piceno. A lovely old town with great bars and food some wonderful galleries and a superb monthly antique market, its magnificent travertine Piazza is one of the most beautiful in Italy.
Another of Le Marche region’s provincial capitals is Macerata, a walled medieval town with some upmarket shops, lovely piazzas and a number of art galleries, it is also reknown for its annual outdoor opera festival that is one of Italys most important.
Many of Le Marche’s smaller medieval towns should be included in your holiday itinerary, these include: Treia, Camerino, Cingoli, Jesi, Offida, Tolentino, Recanati and Sarnano.
The lovely medieval town of Fermo has recently been made capital of a new province of Fermo, it has some wonderful architecture and a majestic main square that is built above a well preserved roman cistern that you can visit if you pay a small fee at the tourist office in the square.
We have also listed some of the many Le Marche seaside resorts in Adriatic coast beach guide.
Nature and Le Marche outdoors
The impression that Le Marche leaves on most tourists is its natural beauty and that ranges from the stunning Sibillini National Park to the south West of the Marches and its mountain peaks that remain snow covered untiol late April or May, then there are the Frasassi caves which is Europes biggest and most spectacular limestone underground cave system, travel North and you will find the Furlo Gorge, a dramatic passage through the mountains that has been used since prehistoric times and bears evidence of Roman excavations. To the west in the foothills of the Sibillini mountains are two of Italys most important and impressive Gorges: Gola dell’Infernaccio (Hells gorge) that it a dramatic 18km pass through limestone cliffs and Gola dei Frati (the monks gorge).
But you really don’t have to travel far, walk off our delicious meals by walking out of Agriturismo Fontechiara and either head into the hills or hike towards the medieval village of Treia, the scenery is stunning and so tranquil that you will rarely meet a soul.
For holidays in the Le Marche region there are many Marche hotels, villas and apartments, self catering rental properties, however, if you like your food and prefer slow travel off the beaten track and want to experience real Italy then you really sould come to Agriturismo Fontechiara where you can take your Le Marche Holiday at a farmhouse on a bed and breakfast / B&B basis or half board basis.
Le Marche region, central Italy
Holiday travel to Italy started In the 19th Century when Travellers came to Tuscany, Umbria and the Marches as part of the Grand tour, Le Marche and particularly Urbino was a place of artistic importance being the birthplace of the Renaissance. Nowadays the Marches is more commonly known as Le Marche and visitors to Central Italy are once again being enchanted by a region that is equally beautiful to Tuscany but has the added benefit of lower costs, being less crowded, less affected by mass tourism, it has the stunning backdrop of the awesome Sibillini Mountains plus the fantastic Adriatic Coast.
The Le Marche region lies on the eastern side of central Italy and is hemmed in by the Adriatic Sea on the East and the high Apennine mountains on the West, in between, medieval villages dust the landscape that rolls from mountain to sea and is carpeted in lush farmland
When to visit Le Marche
The weather is usually very good from Mid April until late October, July and August are the hottest months but the hills and mountains usually benefit from a breeze. November and December are often bright and dry but colder and then the snow falls in the Mountains and you can ski at Sassotetto or Visso from Mid December until late March.
Le Marche region- the main towns
For a full list of the principal towns and places in Le Marche you should visit the places index or the clickable Marche map on the main tourist site.
Of the Le Marche region’s main towns, Urbino is often a favourite due to it being the founding site of the Renaissance, it has hardly changed from the days when Duke Federico of Montefeltro set up his celebrated court here in the second half of the 15th Century. Unusually, the Northern most province of Le Marche has a second capital; Pesaro which combines a lovely seaside resort with a busy town with good shops, fine beaches and great fish
The main capital of Le Marche is Ancona, a city with the feel of a ubiquitous busy mediteranean Port. it is also one of Italy’s principal ferry ports with boats to Croatia, Greece and Turkey.
The capital of the Southern most province of Le Marche is Ascoli Piceno. A lovely old town with great bars and food some wonderful galleries and a superb monthly antique market, its magnificent travertine Piazza is one of the most beautiful in Italy.
Another of Le Marche region’s provincial capitals is Macerata, a walled medieval town with some upmarket shops, lovely piazzas and a number of art galleries, it is also reknown for its annual outdoor opera festival that is one of Italys most important.
Many of Le Marche’s smaller medieval towns should be included in your holiday itinerary, these include: Treia, Camerino, Cingoli, Jesi, Offida, Tolentino, Recanati and Sarnano.
The lovely medieval town of Fermo has recently been made capital of a new province of Fermo, it has some wonderful architecture and a majestic main square that is built above a well preserved roman cistern that you can visit if you pay a small fee at the tourist office in the square.
We have also listed some of the many Le Marche seaside resorts in Adriatic coast beach guide.
Nature and Le Marche outdoors
The impression that Le Marche leaves on most tourists is its natural beauty and that ranges from the stunning Sibillini National Park to the south West of the Marches and its mountain peaks that remain snow covered untiol late April or May, then there are the Frasassi caves which is Europes biggest and most spectacular limestone underground cave system, travel North and you will find the Furlo Gorge, a dramatic passage through the mountains that has been used since prehistoric times and bears evidence of Roman excavations. To the west in the foothills of the Sibillini mountains are two of Italys most important and impressive Gorges: Gola dell’Infernaccio (Hells gorge) that it a dramatic 18km pass through limestone cliffs and Gola dei Frati (the monks gorge).
But you really don’t have to travel far, walk off our delicious meals by walking out of Agriturismo Fontechiara and either head into the hills or hike towards the medieval village of Treia, the scenery is stunning and so tranquil that you will rarely meet a soul.
For holidays in the Le Marche region there are many Marche hotels, villas and apartments, self catering rental properties, however, if you like your food and prefer slow travel off the beaten track and want to experience real Italy then you really sould come to Agriturismo Fontechiara where you can take your Le Marche Holiday at a farmhouse on a bed and breakfast / B&B basis or half board basis.
Le Marche region, central Italy
Holiday travel to Italy started In the 19th Century when Travellers came to Tuscany, Umbria and the Marches as part of the Grand tour, Le Marche and particularly Urbino was a place of artistic importance being the birthplace of the Renaissance. Nowadays the Marches is more commonly known as Le Marche and visitors to Central Italy are once again being enchanted by a region that is equally beautiful to Tuscany but has the added benefit of lower costs, being less crowded, less affected by mass tourism, it has the stunning backdrop of the awesome Sibillini Mountains plus the fantastic Adriatic Coast.
The Le Marche region lies on the eastern side of central Italy and is hemmed in by the Adriatic Sea on the East and the high Apennine mountains on the West, in between, medieval villages dust the landscape that rolls from mountain to sea and is carpeted in lush farmland
When to visit Le Marche
The weather is usually very good from Mid April until late October, July and August are the hottest months but the hills and mountains usually benefit from a breeze. November and December are often bright and dry but colder and then the snow falls in the Mountains and you can ski at Sassotetto or Visso from Mid December until late March.
Le Marche region- the main towns
For a full list of the principal towns and places in Le Marche you should visit the places index or the clickable Marche map on the main tourist site.
Of the Le Marche region’s main towns, Urbino is often a favourite due to it being the founding site of the Renaissance, it has hardly changed from the days when Duke Federico of Montefeltro set up his celebrated court here in the second half of the 15th Century. Unusually, the Northern most province of Le Marche has a second capital; Pesaro which combines a lovely seaside resort with a busy town with good shops, fine beaches and great fish
The main capital of Le Marche is Ancona, a city with the feel of a ubiquitous busy mediteranean Port. it is also one of Italy’s principal ferry ports with boats to Croatia, Greece and Turkey.
The capital of the Southern most province of Le Marche is Ascoli Piceno. A lovely old town with great bars and food some wonderful galleries and a superb monthly antique market, its magnificent travertine Piazza is one of the most beautiful in Italy.
Another of Le Marche region’s provincial capitals is Macerata, a walled medieval town with some upmarket shops, lovely piazzas and a number of art galleries, it is also reknown for its annual outdoor opera festival that is one of Italys most important.
Many of Le Marche’s smaller medieval towns should be included in your holiday itinerary, these include: Treia, Camerino, Cingoli, Jesi, Offida, Tolentino, Recanati and Sarnano.
The lovely medieval town of Fermo has recently been made capital of a new province of Fermo, it has some wonderful architecture and a majestic main square that is built above a well preserved roman cistern that you can visit if you pay a small fee at the tourist office in the square.
We have also listed some of the many Le Marche seaside resorts in Adriatic coast beach guide.
Nature and Le Marche outdoors
The impression that Le Marche leaves on most tourists is its natural beauty and that ranges from the stunning Sibillini National Park to the south West of the Marches and its mountain peaks that remain snow covered untiol late April or May, then there are the Frasassi caves which is Europes biggest and most spectacular limestone underground cave system, travel North and you will find the Furlo Gorge, a dramatic passage through the mountains that has been used since prehistoric times and bears evidence of Roman excavations. To the west in the foothills of the Sibillini mountains are two of Italys most important and impressive Gorges: Gola dell’Infernaccio (Hells gorge) that it a dramatic 18km pass through limestone cliffs and Gola dei Frati (the monks gorge).
But you really don’t have to travel far, walk off our delicious meals by walking out of Agriturismo Fontechiara and either head into the hills or hike towards the medieval village of Treia, the scenery is stunning and so tranquil that you will rarely meet a soul.
For holidays in the Le Marche region there are many Marche hotels, villas and apartments, self catering rental properties, however, if you like your food and prefer slow travel off the beaten track and want to experience real Italy then you really sould come to Agriturismo Fontechiara where you can take your Le Marche Holiday at a farmhouse on a bed and breakfast / B&B basis or half board basis.
Le Marche region, central Italy
Holiday travel to Italy started In the 19th Century when Travellers came to Tuscany, Umbria and the Marches as part of the Grand tour, Le Marche and particularly Urbino was a place of artistic importance being the birthplace of the Renaissance. Nowadays the Marches is more commonly known as Le Marche and visitors to Central Italy are once again being enchanted by a region that is equally beautiful to Tuscany but has the added benefit of lower costs, being less crowded, less affected by mass tourism, it has the stunning backdrop of the awesome Sibillini Mountains plus the fantastic Adriatic Coast.
The Le Marche region lies on the eastern side of central Italy and is hemmed in by the Adriatic Sea on the East and the high Apennine mountains on the West, in between, medieval villages dust the landscape that rolls from mountain to sea and is carpeted in lush farmland
When to visit Le Marche
The weather is usually very good from Mid April until late October, July and August are the hottest months but the hills and mountains usually benefit from a breeze. November and December are often bright and dry but colder and then the snow falls in the Mountains and you can ski at Sassotetto or Visso from Mid December until late March.
Le Marche region- the main towns
For a full list of the principal towns and places in Le Marche you should visit the places index or the clickable Marche map on the main tourist site.
Of the Le Marche region’s main towns, Urbino is often a favourite due to it being the founding site of the Renaissance, it has hardly changed from the days when Duke Federico of Montefeltro set up his celebrated court here in the second half of the 15th Century. Unusually, the Northern most province of Le Marche has a second capital; Pesaro which combines a lovely seaside resort with a busy town with good shops, fine beaches and great fish
The main capital of Le Marche is Ancona, a city with the feel of a ubiquitous busy mediteranean Port. it is also one of Italy’s principal ferry ports with boats to Croatia, Greece and Turkey.
The capital of the Southern most province of Le Marche is Ascoli Piceno. A lovely old town with great bars and food some wonderful galleries and a superb monthly antique market, its magnificent travertine Piazza is one of the most beautiful in Italy.
Another of Le Marche region’s provincial capitals is Macerata, a walled medieval town with some upmarket shops, lovely piazzas and a number of art galleries, it is also reknown for its annual outdoor opera festival that is one of Italys most important.
Many of Le Marche’s smaller medieval towns should be included in your holiday itinerary, these include: Treia, Camerino, Cingoli, Jesi, Offida, Tolentino, Recanati and Sarnano.
The lovely medieval town of Fermo has recently been made capital of a new province of Fermo, it has some wonderful architecture and a majestic main square that is built above a well preserved roman cistern that you can visit if you pay a small fee at the tourist office in the square.
We have also listed some of the many Le Marche seaside resorts in Adriatic coast beach guide.
Nature and Le Marche outdoors
The impression that Le Marche leaves on most tourists is its natural beauty and that ranges from the stunning Sibillini National Park to the south West of the Marches and its mountain peaks that remain snow covered untiol late April or May, then there are the Frasassi caves which is Europes biggest and most spectacular limestone underground cave system, travel North and you will find the Furlo Gorge, a dramatic passage through the mountains that has been used since prehistoric times and bears evidence of Roman excavations. To the west in the foothills of the Sibillini mountains are two of Italys most important and impressive Gorges: Gola dell’Infernaccio (Hells gorge) that it a dramatic 18km pass through limestone cliffs and Gola dei Frati (the monks gorge).
But you really don’t have to travel far, walk off our delicious meals by walking out of Agriturismo Fontechiara and either head into the hills or hike towards the medieval village of Treia, the scenery is stunning and so tranquil that you will rarely meet a soul.
For holidays in the Le Marche region there are many Marche hotels, villas and apartments, self catering rental properties, however, if you like your food and prefer slow travel off the beaten track and want to experience real Italy then you really sould come to Agriturismo Fontechiara where you can take your Le Marche Holiday at a farmhouse on a bed and breakfast / B&B basis or half board basis.
Le Marche region, central Italy
Holiday travel to Italy started In the 19th Century when Travellers came to Tuscany, Umbria and the Marches as part of the Grand tour, Le Marche and particularly Urbino was a place of artistic importance being the birthplace of the Renaissance. Nowadays the Marches is more commonly known as Le Marche and visitors to Central Italy are once again being enchanted by a region that is equally beautiful to Tuscany but has the added benefit of lower costs, being less crowded, less affected by mass tourism, it has the stunning backdrop of the awesome Sibillini Mountains plus the fantastic Adriatic Coast.
The Le Marche region lies on the eastern side of central Italy and is hemmed in by the Adriatic Sea on the East and the high Apennine mountains on the West, in between, medieval villages dust the landscape that rolls from mountain to sea and is carpeted in lush farmland
When to visit Le Marche
The weather is usually very good from Mid April until late October, July and August are the hottest months but the hills and mountains usually benefit from a breeze. November and December are often bright and dry but colder and then the snow falls in the Mountains and you can ski at Sassotetto or Visso from Mid December until late March.
Le Marche region- the main towns
For a full list of the principal towns and places in Le Marche you should visit the places index or the clickable Marche map on the main tourist site.
Of the Le Marche region’s main towns, Urbino is often a favourite due to it being the founding site of the Renaissance, it has hardly changed from the days when Duke Federico of Montefeltro set up his celebrated court here in the second half of the 15th Century. Unusually, the Northern most province of Le Marche has a second capital; Pesaro which combines a lovely seaside resort with a busy town with good shops, fine beaches and great fish
The main capital of Le Marche is Ancona, a city with the feel of a ubiquitous busy mediteranean Port. it is also one of Italy’s principal ferry ports with boats to Croatia, Greece and Turkey.
The capital of the Southern most province of Le Marche is Ascoli Piceno. A lovely old town with great bars and food some wonderful galleries and a superb monthly antique market, its magnificent travertine Piazza is one of the most beautiful in Italy.
Another of Le Marche region’s provincial capitals is Macerata, a walled medieval town with some upmarket shops, lovely piazzas and a number of art galleries, it is also reknown for its annual outdoor opera festival that is one of Italys most important.
Many of Le Marche’s smaller medieval towns should be included in your holiday itinerary, these include: Treia, Camerino, Cingoli, Jesi, Offida, Tolentino, Recanati and Sarnano.
The lovely medieval town of Fermo has recently been made capital of a new province of Fermo, it has some wonderful architecture and a majestic main square that is built above a well preserved roman cistern that you can visit if you pay a small fee at the tourist office in the square.
We have also listed some of the many Le Marche seaside resorts in Adriatic coast beach guide.
Nature and Le Marche outdoors
The impression that Le Marche leaves on most tourists is its natural beauty and that ranges from the stunning Sibillini National Park to the south West of the Marches and its mountain peaks that remain snow covered untiol late April or May, then there are the Frasassi caves which is Europes biggest and most spectacular limestone underground cave system, travel North and you will find the Furlo Gorge, a dramatic passage through the mountains that has been used since prehistoric times and bears evidence of Roman excavations. To the west in the foothills of the Sibillini mountains are two of Italys most important and impressive Gorges: Gola dell’Infernaccio (Hells gorge) that it a dramatic 18km pass through limestone cliffs and Gola dei Frati (the monks gorge).
But you really don’t have to travel far, walk off our delicious meals by walking out of Agriturismo Fontechiara and either head into the hills or hike towards the medieval village of Treia, the scenery is stunning and so tranquil that you will rarely meet a soul.
For holidays in the Le Marche region there are many Marche hotels, villas and apartments, self catering rental properties, however, if you like your food and prefer slow travel off the beaten track and want to experience real Italy then you really sould come to Agriturismo Fontechiara where you can take your Le Marche Holiday at a farmhouse on a bed and breakfast / B&B basis or half board basis.