Vacanze con Olive
A chi volesse conoscere o approfondire la conoscenza della cultura gastronomica delle Marche, offriamo dei work-shop di alcune ore sulle tecniche di riconoscimento e valutazione delle caratteristiche organolettiche delI’olio extravergine d’oliva. Tali corsi sono tenuti dal padrone di casa, assaggiatore ufficiale dal 2003, e vi daranno oltre ad un percorso sensoriale del tutto particolare, i mezzi per distinguere gli oli extravergini di qualità, una volta tornati a casa.
Durante il periodo della raccolta delle olive (Ottobre-Novembre), organizziamo dei pacchetti-vacanza incentrati sull’olivicoltura. Gli ospiti possono partecipare alla raccolta, assistere alla frangitura delle olive in frantoio, vedere come nasce un vero olio extravergine e a lavoro compiuto potranno imparare a valutare l’olio appena franto e degustarlo sui piatti tipici, che esaltano questo bene prezioso.
Vacanze con Olive
A chi volesse conoscere o approfondire la conoscenza della cultura gastronomica delle Marche, offriamo dei work-shop di alcune ore sulle tecniche di riconoscimento e valutazione delle caratteristiche organolettiche delI’olio extravergine d’oliva. Tali corsi sono tenuti dal padrone di casa, assaggiatore ufficiale dal 2003, e vi daranno oltre ad un percorso sensoriale del tutto particolare, i mezzi per distinguere gli oli extravergini di qualità, una volta tornati a casa.
Durante il periodo della raccolta delle olive (Ottobre-Novembre), organizziamo dei pacchetti-vacanza incentrati sull’olivicoltura. Gli ospiti possono partecipare alla raccolta, assistere alla frangitura delle olive in frantoio, vedere come nasce un vero olio extravergine e a lavoro compiuto potranno imparare a valutare l’olio appena franto e degustarlo sui piatti tipici, che esaltano questo bene prezioso.
Olive Oil Appreciation workshop
For those who want to know or learn more about the culinary culture of the Marches, our olive oil workshops offer a few hours on recognition techniques and evaluation of the organoleptic characteristics of extra virgin olive oil. These courses are held by the landlord, official taster in 2003, and will give you plus a very special sensory journey, that will provide you with the ability to distinguish the quality of extra virgin olive oil, once you return home.
Olive Oil Harvesting Holidays
During the olive harvest (late October-November), we can arrange packages for an olive-centered holiday. Guests can participate in the collection, witness the crushing of the olives at the mill, see how a real extra virgin olive oil is produced and will learn to evaluate the oil just pressed on and taste dishes that highlight this precious commodity.
Olive Oil Appreciation workshop
For those who want to know or learn more about the culinary culture of the Marches, our olive oil workshops offer a few hours on recognition techniques and evaluation of the organoleptic characteristics of extra virgin olive oil. These courses are held by the landlord, official taster in 2003, and will give you plus a very special sensory journey, that will provide you with the ability to distinguish the quality of extra virgin olive oil, once you return home.
Olive Oil Harvesting Holidays
During the olive harvest (late October-November), we can arrange packages for an olive-centered holiday. Guests can participate in the collection, witness the crushing of the olives at the mill, see how a real extra virgin olive oil is produced and will learn to evaluate the oil just pressed on and taste dishes that highlight this precious commodity.
Olive Oil Appreciation workshop
For those who want to know or learn more about the culinary culture of the Marches, our olive oil workshops offer a few hours on recognition techniques and evaluation of the organoleptic characteristics of extra virgin olive oil. These courses are held by the landlord, official taster in 2003, and will give you plus a very special sensory journey, that will provide you with the ability to distinguish the quality of extra virgin olive oil, once you return home.
Olive Oil Harvesting Holidays
During the olive harvest (late October-November), we can arrange packages for an olive-centered holiday. Guests can participate in the collection, witness the crushing of the olives at the mill, see how a real extra virgin olive oil is produced and will learn to evaluate the oil just pressed on and taste dishes that highlight this precious commodity.
Olive Oil Appreciation workshop
For those who want to know or learn more about the culinary culture of the Marches, our olive oil workshops offer a few hours on recognition techniques and evaluation of the organoleptic characteristics of extra virgin olive oil. These courses are held by the landlord, official taster in 2003, and will give you plus a very special sensory journey, that will provide you with the ability to distinguish the quality of extra virgin olive oil, once you return home.
Olive Oil Harvesting Holidays
During the olive harvest (late October-November), we can arrange packages for an olive-centered holiday. Guests can participate in the collection, witness the crushing of the olives at the mill, see how a real extra virgin olive oil is produced and will learn to evaluate the oil just pressed on and taste dishes that highlight this precious commodity.