Le Marche – Storia ed arte
La storia delle Marche risale ai tempi degli antichi romani, è il luogo di nascita del rinascimento e ospita numerosi tesori dell’arte. Molti di questi sono custoditi nei musei delle città di appartenenza, come i seguenti :
- Jesi – Pinacoteca comunale nel palazzo Pianetti. Nel palazzo rococò si possono ammirare alcuni quadri di Lorenzo Lotto, il pittore veneziano che passò molto del suo tempo creativo nelle Marche.
- Ancona – Il museo archeologico nazionale ospita le migliori collezioni dell’eredità archeologica delle Marche.
- Sempre in Ancona si possono ammirare i dipinti di Crivelli, Tiziano, Andrea del Sarto e il Pomarancio oltre alle opere di alcuni pittori marchigiani emergenti quali Baocci e Guerrieri.
- Urbino – Il palazzo ducale alberga alcune delle opere del rinascimento emergente tra cui due quadri dalla bellezza straordinaria di Piero della Francesca e un superbo ritratto di Raffaello. Il palazzo è anche sede di un’affascinante collezione archeologica di manufatti romani ed è aperto al pubblico dalle 9.00 fino alle 19.00 da Martedì a Domenica e dalle 9.00 alle 14.00 il Lunedì.
- Casa nativa di Raffaello a Urbino – e’ stata conservata pressoché inalterata da quando vi è nato Raffaello nel 1483, ma vi si trova solo un affresco della Madonna attribuito all’ artista in giovane età.
- Ascoli Piceno – La galleria d’arte comprende un buon numero di lavori di pittori che vivevano e lavoravano nelle Marche, come Crivelli, Tiziano, Tintoretto, Guido Reni e Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels si trova alla periferia della città e ospita una piccola collezione di deliziosi dipinti di Lorenzo Lotto .
- Pesaro – Il museo civico offre due vere delizie: la parte di un altare scolpita da Bellini e una ragguardevole collezione di ceramiche dipinte rinascimentali.
- Inoltre nella casa di nascita di Rossini si trova una collezione di memorabilia in continuo ampliamento.
- Loreto – La basilica, la Santa Casa e il museo di Loreto attirano miglia di pellegrini ogni anno e gli appassionati d’arte possono ammirare anche alcuni quadri di Lorenzo Lotto, che visse i suoi ultimi anni proprio a Loreto.
- S.Severino – La pinacoteca civica espone alcuni quadri magnifici dei fratelli Salimbeni, due pittori marchigiani del rinascimento un po’ sottovalutati.
- Macerata – Il museo del risorgimento è il migliore della regione ed è dedicato all’unificazione dell’Italia.
- Urbisaglia – Museo archeologico di Manufatti romani ritrovati nei pressi di Urbisaglia. Orario di apertura: ogni giorno dalle 10 – 12.30 e dalle 15 – 18.30 ( dal 20/06 al 15/09 ); 10 – 12.30 e 15 – 17.30 solo festivi ( dal 16/9 al 19/6 )
- Abbadia di Fiastra e museo sulla vita contadina (0733 202122)
- Tolentino – Basilica di S.Nicola di aperta dalle 9.00 – 12.00 e dalle 15.00 – 19.00
- Camerino – Museo storico di quadri, bronzi e ceramiche ecc. Aperto dalle 10.00 – 13.00 e dalle 16.00 – 19.00 ( da aprile a settembre ); 10.00 – 13.00 e 15.00 – 18.00 ( da ottobre a marzo ), chiuso il Lunedì
- Camerino – Museo di scienze naturali di (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale ), animali, piante e fossili. Aperto dalle 8.00 – 14.00 dal Lunedì al Venerdì e dalle 14.30 – 17.30 il Martedì e Giovedì.
- Camerino – Galleria d’arte civica di arte rinascimentale con grande enfasi per il 18esimo e 19esimo secolo. Aperto dalle 10.00 – 13.00 e dalle 16.00 – 19.00 ( da aprile a settembre ); 10.00 – 13.00 e 15.00 – 18.00 ( da ottobre a marzo )- Lunedì chiuso.
- Sarnano – Museo della fauna selvatica, armi antiche, opere d’arte e una collezione di martelli. Aperto dalle 9.00 – 12.30 e dalle 16.00 – 18.30 dal Lunedì al giovedì e dalle 9.00 – 12.30 il Venerdì, inoltre dalle 9.00 – 12.30 e dalle 16.00 – 19.00 il Sabato e la Domenica ( dal 15/07 al 15/09 )
- Tolentino – Museo del Castello della Rancia,; armamenti e reperti archeologici: aperto dalle 10.00 – 13.00 e dalle 15.00 – 19.00, chiuso il Lunedì, ( dal 15/03 al 15/10 ); 10.00 – 13.00 e 15.00 – 18.00 di Sabato, Domenica e feste nazionali ( 16/10 al 14/03 )
- Fabriano – La città era uno dei centri per la pittura nello stile gotico internazionale del quattordicesimo secolo e la Pinacoteca comunale ne espone alcuni esempi, anche se manca il maestro più famoso della città, ossia Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – Museo internazionale della fisarmonica
“L’Agriturismo Fontechiara si trova nelle Marche, in provincia di Macerata a 4 km da Treia.
Si può scegliere una vacanza Bed and Breakfast – B&B, ma agli amanti dello slow food e della cucina genuina proponiamo vacanze in mezza pensione.
Un soggiorno a Fontechiara permette di seguire lo spirito dell’ ecoturismo e dà l’opportunità di assaggiare in un ambiente incantevole, i nostri prodotti biologici e regionali, come l’olio d’oliva extravergine Fontechiara ed i rinomati vini marchigiani.
Il casale coniuga armoniosamente il fascino antico con le moderne comodità ed ha una piscina circondata dal verde.
Offriamo vacanze dedicate alla tranquillità, all’arte, alla pesca o all’acquisizione di conoscenze sulla produzione e la valutazione dell’olio d’oliva extravergine; i dintorni sono perfetti per una vacanza sportiva in sella ad una mountain bike o per fare una gita di shopping in uno dei tanti outlet della regione.
Accogliamo con piacere anche i nostri amici a quattro zampe.
Nelle Marche si trovano spiagge incantevoli, montagne mozzafiato, boschi preziosi, natura incontaminata e innumerevoli luoghi di interesse storico e artistico oltre agli infiniti piaceri enogastronomici.
E’ veramente “L’Italia in una regione”.
Consultate i nostri prezzi e le offerte speciali per una vacanza indimenticabile.”
Le Marche History and Art
Le Marche has a history that goes back to Roman times and beyond, is the birthplace of the renaissance and home to many art treasures. Many are now housed in mueums in the main towns, such as the following:
- Jesi – The Pinacoteca Comunale in Palazzo Pianetti. An over the top Roccoco palace are outstanding treasures are a handful of pictures by Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian painter who spent much of his working life in the Marches.
- Ancona – You will find the best collection of the Marche’s archeological heritage at the Museo Nazionale Archeologico.
- Also at Ancona – are paintings by Crivelli, Titian, Andrea del Sarto and Il Pomarancio and works by outstanding Marche painters such as Barocci and Guerrieri.
- Urbino – The Palazzo Ducale is home to some outstanding Italian renaissance art, including two of Piero della Francesca’s finest pictures and a superb portrait by Raphael, in the spectacular setting of the Ducal Palace. The palace also houses a fascinating archeological collection of Roman artefacts. Best of all it now boasts extended opening times – 9am to 7pm Tues-Sun, and 9am to 2pm Mondays.
- Raphael’s House, also in Urbino, has been preserved much as it was when he was born here in 1483. But you will only find one work, with a dodgy attribution, that might have been by the young artist – a fresco of the Madonna.
- Ascoli Piceno – Art gallery has a good collection of works by painters who lived and worked in this part of the Marche (including Crivelli) but also works of Titian, Tintoretto, Guido Reni and Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels, on the edge of town, houses a small collection of Lorenzo Lotto’s finest pictures including the haunting Annunciation.
- Pesaro – the Museo Civico has two delights: a beautiful altarpiece by Bellini and a remarkable collection of painted Renaissance ceramics. Also in Pesaro is the house where Rossini was born with a growing collection of memorabilia
- Loreto – The basilica and museum of the Holy House, as well as plenty on the traditions of Loreto, also has some pictures by Lorenzo Lotto – the artist spent his last years here.
- San Severino – In the Pinacoteca Civica are some sparkling pictures by the Salimbeni brothers, the Marche’s under-appreciated early Renaissance painters.
- Macerata – The Museo del Risorgimento is the best in the region dedicated to the Unification of Italy.
- Urbisaglia Archaeology Museum: Roman artefacts found at nearby Urbisaglia; Open 10-12.30 and 15-18.30 every day (from 20/06 al 15/09); 10-12.30 e 15-17.30 solo festivi (dal 16/09 al 19/06).
- Abbadia di Fiastra the museum of rural life at the same place (0733202122)
- Basilica of Saint Nicola of Tolentino; Open 9-12 and 15-19 Works of art, the crib museum, the ceramics and the architecture.
- Camerino History museum with bronzes, art, ceramics etc. Open 10-13 and 16-19 (from April to Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct- Mar) – closed Mondays.
- Camerino Museum of Natural Science at Camerino University (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale). Plantlife, fossils and bottled animals (to go with your pasta). Open 8-14 from Mon-Fri, 14.30-17.30 Tuesday and Thursday.
- Camerino Civic Art Gallery open 10-13 and 16-19 (from Apr- Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct-Mar) – closed Mondays. Renaissance art and a large emphasis on the 18th & 19th Centuries.
- Sarnano Museum; Museum of local wildlife, armourments, art and a hammer collection Open 9-12.30 e 16-18.30 from Monday to Thursday and 9-12.30 Friday; also 9-12.30 e 16-19 Saturday & Sunday (from15/07 to15/09 and national holidays)
- Castello Della Rancia Museum,Tolentino; armourments & archaeological museum: Open 10-13 and 15-19, closed Monday (from 15/3 to 15/10); 10-13 and 15-18; Saturdays, Sundays and feast days (from 16/10 to 14/3)
- Fabriano – The town was one of the great centres for the International Gothic style of 14thC painting and the Pinacoteca Comunale has some good examples. None however by the town’s greatest master, Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – The Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica is dedicated to the accordion.
Agriturismo Fontechiara is located in Treia in the province of Macerata in the region of Le Marche in central Italy. We offer B&B or bed and breakfast holidays or for lovers of slow food there is a half board option. A vacation at Fontechiara allows you to sample ecotourism, locally grown food, our own organic produce, home cooking and great Le Marche wines in a restored farmhouse with stylishly furnished rooms and excellent facilities including a swimming pool. There is the possibility of horse riding, fishing and courses about olive oil. We are ideally located for sports and outlet shopping. Le Marche has fantastic beaches, mountains, nature, history, art, activities and more. Please check out our reasonable prices or contact us for more information or to book.
Le Marche – Storia ed arte
La storia delle Marche risale ai tempi degli antichi romani, è il luogo di nascita del rinascimento e ospita numerosi tesori dell’arte. Molti di questi sono custoditi nei musei delle città di appartenenza, come i seguenti :
- Jesi – Pinacoteca comunale nel palazzo Pianetti. Nel palazzo rococò si possono ammirare alcuni quadri di Lorenzo Lotto, il pittore veneziano che passò molto del suo tempo creativo nelle Marche.
- Ancona – Il museo archeologico nazionale ospita le migliori collezioni dell’eredità archeologica delle Marche.
- Sempre in Ancona si possono ammirare i dipinti di Crivelli, Tiziano, Andrea del Sarto e il Pomarancio oltre alle opere di alcuni pittori marchigiani emergenti quali Baocci e Guerrieri.
- Urbino – Il palazzo ducale alberga alcune delle opere del rinascimento emergente tra cui due quadri dalla bellezza straordinaria di Piero della Francesca e un superbo ritratto di Raffaello. Il palazzo è anche sede di un’affascinante collezione archeologica di manufatti romani ed è aperto al pubblico dalle 9.00 fino alle 19.00 da Martedì a Domenica e dalle 9.00 alle 14.00 il Lunedì.
- Casa nativa di Raffaello a Urbino – e’ stata conservata pressoché inalterata da quando vi è nato Raffaello nel 1483, ma vi si trova solo un affresco della Madonna attribuito all’ artista in giovane età.
- Ascoli Piceno – La galleria d’arte comprende un buon numero di lavori di pittori che vivevano e lavoravano nelle Marche, come Crivelli, Tiziano, Tintoretto, Guido Reni e Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels si trova alla periferia della città e ospita una piccola collezione di deliziosi dipinti di Lorenzo Lotto .
- Pesaro – Il museo civico offre due vere delizie: la parte di un altare scolpita da Bellini e una ragguardevole collezione di ceramiche dipinte rinascimentali.
- Inoltre nella casa di nascita di Rossini si trova una collezione di memorabilia in continuo ampliamento.
- Loreto – La basilica, la Santa Casa e il museo di Loreto attirano miglia di pellegrini ogni anno e gli appassionati d’arte possono ammirare anche alcuni quadri di Lorenzo Lotto, che visse i suoi ultimi anni proprio a Loreto.
- S.Severino – La pinacoteca civica espone alcuni quadri magnifici dei fratelli Salimbeni, due pittori marchigiani del rinascimento un po’ sottovalutati.
- Macerata – Il museo del risorgimento è il migliore della regione ed è dedicato all’unificazione dell’Italia.
- Urbisaglia – Museo archeologico di Manufatti romani ritrovati nei pressi di Urbisaglia. Orario di apertura: ogni giorno dalle 10 – 12.30 e dalle 15 – 18.30 ( dal 20/06 al 15/09 ); 10 – 12.30 e 15 – 17.30 solo festivi ( dal 16/9 al 19/6 )
- Abbadia di Fiastra e museo sulla vita contadina (0733 202122)
- Tolentino – Basilica di S.Nicola di aperta dalle 9.00 – 12.00 e dalle 15.00 – 19.00
- Camerino – Museo storico di quadri, bronzi e ceramiche ecc. Aperto dalle 10.00 – 13.00 e dalle 16.00 – 19.00 ( da aprile a settembre ); 10.00 – 13.00 e 15.00 – 18.00 ( da ottobre a marzo ), chiuso il Lunedì
- Camerino – Museo di scienze naturali di (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale ), animali, piante e fossili. Aperto dalle 8.00 – 14.00 dal Lunedì al Venerdì e dalle 14.30 – 17.30 il Martedì e Giovedì.
- Camerino – Galleria d’arte civica di arte rinascimentale con grande enfasi per il 18esimo e 19esimo secolo. Aperto dalle 10.00 – 13.00 e dalle 16.00 – 19.00 ( da aprile a settembre ); 10.00 – 13.00 e 15.00 – 18.00 ( da ottobre a marzo )- Lunedì chiuso.
- Sarnano – Museo della fauna selvatica, armi antiche, opere d’arte e una collezione di martelli. Aperto dalle 9.00 – 12.30 e dalle 16.00 – 18.30 dal Lunedì al giovedì e dalle 9.00 – 12.30 il Venerdì, inoltre dalle 9.00 – 12.30 e dalle 16.00 – 19.00 il Sabato e la Domenica ( dal 15/07 al 15/09 )
- Tolentino – Museo del Castello della Rancia,; armamenti e reperti archeologici: aperto dalle 10.00 – 13.00 e dalle 15.00 – 19.00, chiuso il Lunedì, ( dal 15/03 al 15/10 ); 10.00 – 13.00 e 15.00 – 18.00 di Sabato, Domenica e feste nazionali ( 16/10 al 14/03 )
- Fabriano – La città era uno dei centri per la pittura nello stile gotico internazionale del quattordicesimo secolo e la Pinacoteca comunale ne espone alcuni esempi, anche se manca il maestro più famoso della città, ossia Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – Museo internazionale della fisarmonica
“L’Agriturismo Fontechiara si trova nelle Marche, in provincia di Macerata a 4 km da Treia.
Si può scegliere una vacanza Bed and Breakfast – B&B, ma agli amanti dello slow food e della cucina genuina proponiamo vacanze in mezza pensione.
Un soggiorno a Fontechiara permette di seguire lo spirito dell’ ecoturismo e dà l’opportunità di assaggiare in un ambiente incantevole, i nostri prodotti biologici e regionali, come l’olio d’oliva extravergine Fontechiara ed i rinomati vini marchigiani.
Il casale coniuga armoniosamente il fascino antico con le moderne comodità ed ha una piscina circondata dal verde.
Offriamo vacanze dedicate alla tranquillità, all’arte, alla pesca o all’acquisizione di conoscenze sulla produzione e la valutazione dell’olio d’oliva extravergine; i dintorni sono perfetti per una vacanza sportiva in sella ad una mountain bike o per fare una gita di shopping in uno dei tanti outlet della regione.
Accogliamo con piacere anche i nostri amici a quattro zampe.
Nelle Marche si trovano spiagge incantevoli, montagne mozzafiato, boschi preziosi, natura incontaminata e innumerevoli luoghi di interesse storico e artistico oltre agli infiniti piaceri enogastronomici.
E’ veramente “L’Italia in una regione”.
Consultate i nostri prezzi e le offerte speciali per una vacanza indimenticabile.”
Le Marche History and Art
Le Marche has a history that goes back to Roman times and beyond, is the birthplace of the renaissance and home to many art treasures. Many are now housed in mueums in the main towns, such as the following:
- Jesi – The Pinacoteca Comunale in Palazzo Pianetti. An over the top Roccoco palace are outstanding treasures are a handful of pictures by Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian painter who spent much of his working life in the Marches.
- Ancona – You will find the best collection of the Marche’s archeological heritage at the Museo Nazionale Archeologico.
- Also at Ancona – are paintings by Crivelli, Titian, Andrea del Sarto and Il Pomarancio and works by outstanding Marche painters such as Barocci and Guerrieri.
- Urbino – The Palazzo Ducale is home to some outstanding Italian renaissance art, including two of Piero della Francesca’s finest pictures and a superb portrait by Raphael, in the spectacular setting of the Ducal Palace. The palace also houses a fascinating archeological collection of Roman artefacts. Best of all it now boasts extended opening times – 9am to 7pm Tues-Sun, and 9am to 2pm Mondays.
- Raphael’s House, also in Urbino, has been preserved much as it was when he was born here in 1483. But you will only find one work, with a dodgy attribution, that might have been by the young artist – a fresco of the Madonna.
- Ascoli Piceno – Art gallery has a good collection of works by painters who lived and worked in this part of the Marche (including Crivelli) but also works of Titian, Tintoretto, Guido Reni and Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels, on the edge of town, houses a small collection of Lorenzo Lotto’s finest pictures including the haunting Annunciation.
- Pesaro – the Museo Civico has two delights: a beautiful altarpiece by Bellini and a remarkable collection of painted Renaissance ceramics. Also in Pesaro is the house where Rossini was born with a growing collection of memorabilia
- Loreto – The basilica and museum of the Holy House, as well as plenty on the traditions of Loreto, also has some pictures by Lorenzo Lotto – the artist spent his last years here.
- San Severino – In the Pinacoteca Civica are some sparkling pictures by the Salimbeni brothers, the Marche’s under-appreciated early Renaissance painters.
- Macerata – The Museo del Risorgimento is the best in the region dedicated to the Unification of Italy.
- Urbisaglia Archaeology Museum: Roman artefacts found at nearby Urbisaglia; Open 10-12.30 and 15-18.30 every day (from 20/06 al 15/09); 10-12.30 e 15-17.30 solo festivi (dal 16/09 al 19/06).
- Abbadia di Fiastra the museum of rural life at the same place (0733202122)
- Basilica of Saint Nicola of Tolentino; Open 9-12 and 15-19 Works of art, the crib museum, the ceramics and the architecture.
- Camerino History museum with bronzes, art, ceramics etc. Open 10-13 and 16-19 (from April to Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct- Mar) – closed Mondays.
- Camerino Museum of Natural Science at Camerino University (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale). Plantlife, fossils and bottled animals (to go with your pasta). Open 8-14 from Mon-Fri, 14.30-17.30 Tuesday and Thursday.
- Camerino Civic Art Gallery open 10-13 and 16-19 (from Apr- Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct-Mar) – closed Mondays. Renaissance art and a large emphasis on the 18th & 19th Centuries.
- Sarnano Museum; Museum of local wildlife, armourments, art and a hammer collection Open 9-12.30 e 16-18.30 from Monday to Thursday and 9-12.30 Friday; also 9-12.30 e 16-19 Saturday & Sunday (from15/07 to15/09 and national holidays)
- Castello Della Rancia Museum,Tolentino; armourments & archaeological museum: Open 10-13 and 15-19, closed Monday (from 15/3 to 15/10); 10-13 and 15-18; Saturdays, Sundays and feast days (from 16/10 to 14/3)
- Fabriano – The town was one of the great centres for the International Gothic style of 14thC painting and the Pinacoteca Comunale has some good examples. None however by the town’s greatest master, Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – The Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica is dedicated to the accordion.
Le Marche History and Art
Le Marche has a history that goes back to Roman times and beyond, is the birthplace of the renaissance and home to many art treasures. Many are now housed in mueums in the main towns, such as the following:
- Jesi – The Pinacoteca Comunale in Palazzo Pianetti. An over the top Roccoco palace are outstanding treasures are a handful of pictures by Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian painter who spent much of his working life in the Marches.
- Ancona – You will find the best collection of the Marche’s archeological heritage at the Museo Nazionale Archeologico.
- Also at Ancona – are paintings by Crivelli, Titian, Andrea del Sarto and Il Pomarancio and works by outstanding Marche painters such as Barocci and Guerrieri.
- Urbino – The Palazzo Ducale is home to some outstanding Italian renaissance art, including two of Piero della Francesca’s finest pictures and a superb portrait by Raphael, in the spectacular setting of the Ducal Palace. The palace also houses a fascinating archeological collection of Roman artefacts. Best of all it now boasts extended opening times – 9am to 7pm Tues-Sun, and 9am to 2pm Mondays.
- Raphael’s House, also in Urbino, has been preserved much as it was when he was born here in 1483. But you will only find one work, with a dodgy attribution, that might have been by the young artist – a fresco of the Madonna.
- Ascoli Piceno – Art gallery has a good collection of works by painters who lived and worked in this part of the Marche (including Crivelli) but also works of Titian, Tintoretto, Guido Reni and Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels, on the edge of town, houses a small collection of Lorenzo Lotto’s finest pictures including the haunting Annunciation.
- Pesaro – the Museo Civico has two delights: a beautiful altarpiece by Bellini and a remarkable collection of painted Renaissance ceramics. Also in Pesaro is the house where Rossini was born with a growing collection of memorabilia
- Loreto – The basilica and museum of the Holy House, as well as plenty on the traditions of Loreto, also has some pictures by Lorenzo Lotto – the artist spent his last years here.
- San Severino – In the Pinacoteca Civica are some sparkling pictures by the Salimbeni brothers, the Marche’s under-appreciated early Renaissance painters.
- Macerata – The Museo del Risorgimento is the best in the region dedicated to the Unification of Italy.
- Urbisaglia Archaeology Museum: Roman artefacts found at nearby Urbisaglia; Open 10-12.30 and 15-18.30 every day (from 20/06 al 15/09); 10-12.30 e 15-17.30 solo festivi (dal 16/09 al 19/06).
- Abbadia di Fiastra the museum of rural life at the same place (0733202122)
- Basilica of Saint Nicola of Tolentino; Open 9-12 and 15-19 Works of art, the crib museum, the ceramics and the architecture.
- Camerino History museum with bronzes, art, ceramics etc. Open 10-13 and 16-19 (from April to Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct- Mar) – closed Mondays.
- Camerino Museum of Natural Science at Camerino University (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale). Plantlife, fossils and bottled animals (to go with your pasta). Open 8-14 from Mon-Fri, 14.30-17.30 Tuesday and Thursday.
- Camerino Civic Art Gallery open 10-13 and 16-19 (from Apr- Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct-Mar) – closed Mondays. Renaissance art and a large emphasis on the 18th & 19th Centuries.
- Sarnano Museum; Museum of local wildlife, armourments, art and a hammer collection Open 9-12.30 e 16-18.30 from Monday to Thursday and 9-12.30 Friday; also 9-12.30 e 16-19 Saturday & Sunday (from15/07 to15/09 and national holidays)
- Castello Della Rancia Museum,Tolentino; armourments & archaeological museum: Open 10-13 and 15-19, closed Monday (from 15/3 to 15/10); 10-13 and 15-18; Saturdays, Sundays and feast days (from 16/10 to 14/3)
- Fabriano – The town was one of the great centres for the International Gothic style of 14thC painting and the Pinacoteca Comunale has some good examples. None however by the town’s greatest master, Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – The Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica is dedicated to the accordion.
Le Marche History and Art
Le Marche has a history that goes back to Roman times and beyond, is the birthplace of the renaissance and home to many art treasures. Many are now housed in mueums in the main towns, such as the following:
- Jesi – The Pinacoteca Comunale in Palazzo Pianetti. An over the top Roccoco palace are outstanding treasures are a handful of pictures by Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian painter who spent much of his working life in the Marches.
- Ancona – You will find the best collection of the Marche’s archeological heritage at the Museo Nazionale Archeologico.
- Also at Ancona – are paintings by Crivelli, Titian, Andrea del Sarto and Il Pomarancio and works by outstanding Marche painters such as Barocci and Guerrieri.
- Urbino – The Palazzo Ducale is home to some outstanding Italian renaissance art, including two of Piero della Francesca’s finest pictures and a superb portrait by Raphael, in the spectacular setting of the Ducal Palace. The palace also houses a fascinating archeological collection of Roman artefacts. Best of all it now boasts extended opening times – 9am to 7pm Tues-Sun, and 9am to 2pm Mondays.
- Raphael’s House, also in Urbino, has been preserved much as it was when he was born here in 1483. But you will only find one work, with a dodgy attribution, that might have been by the young artist – a fresco of the Madonna.
- Ascoli Piceno – Art gallery has a good collection of works by painters who lived and worked in this part of the Marche (including Crivelli) but also works of Titian, Tintoretto, Guido Reni and Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels, on the edge of town, houses a small collection of Lorenzo Lotto’s finest pictures including the haunting Annunciation.
- Pesaro – the Museo Civico has two delights: a beautiful altarpiece by Bellini and a remarkable collection of painted Renaissance ceramics. Also in Pesaro is the house where Rossini was born with a growing collection of memorabilia
- Loreto – The basilica and museum of the Holy House, as well as plenty on the traditions of Loreto, also has some pictures by Lorenzo Lotto – the artist spent his last years here.
- San Severino – In the Pinacoteca Civica are some sparkling pictures by the Salimbeni brothers, the Marche’s under-appreciated early Renaissance painters.
- Macerata – The Museo del Risorgimento is the best in the region dedicated to the Unification of Italy.
- Urbisaglia Archaeology Museum: Roman artefacts found at nearby Urbisaglia; Open 10-12.30 and 15-18.30 every day (from 20/06 al 15/09); 10-12.30 e 15-17.30 solo festivi (dal 16/09 al 19/06).
- Abbadia di Fiastra the museum of rural life at the same place (0733202122)
- Basilica of Saint Nicola of Tolentino; Open 9-12 and 15-19 Works of art, the crib museum, the ceramics and the architecture.
- Camerino History museum with bronzes, art, ceramics etc. Open 10-13 and 16-19 (from April to Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct- Mar) – closed Mondays.
- Camerino Museum of Natural Science at Camerino University (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale). Plantlife, fossils and bottled animals (to go with your pasta). Open 8-14 from Mon-Fri, 14.30-17.30 Tuesday and Thursday.
- Camerino Civic Art Gallery open 10-13 and 16-19 (from Apr- Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct-Mar) – closed Mondays. Renaissance art and a large emphasis on the 18th & 19th Centuries.
- Sarnano Museum; Museum of local wildlife, armourments, art and a hammer collection Open 9-12.30 e 16-18.30 from Monday to Thursday and 9-12.30 Friday; also 9-12.30 e 16-19 Saturday & Sunday (from15/07 to15/09 and national holidays)
- Castello Della Rancia Museum,Tolentino; armourments & archaeological museum: Open 10-13 and 15-19, closed Monday (from 15/3 to 15/10); 10-13 and 15-18; Saturdays, Sundays and feast days (from 16/10 to 14/3)
- Fabriano – The town was one of the great centres for the International Gothic style of 14thC painting and the Pinacoteca Comunale has some good examples. None however by the town’s greatest master, Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – The Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica is dedicated to the accordion.
Le Marche History and Art
Le Marche has a history that goes back to Roman times and beyond, is the birthplace of the renaissance and home to many art treasures. Many are now housed in mueums in the main towns, such as the following:
- Jesi – The Pinacoteca Comunale in Palazzo Pianetti. An over the top Roccoco palace are outstanding treasures are a handful of pictures by Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian painter who spent much of his working life in the Marches.
- Ancona – You will find the best collection of the Marche’s archeological heritage at the Museo Nazionale Archeologico.
- Also at Ancona – are paintings by Crivelli, Titian, Andrea del Sarto and Il Pomarancio and works by outstanding Marche painters such as Barocci and Guerrieri.
- Urbino – The Palazzo Ducale is home to some outstanding Italian renaissance art, including two of Piero della Francesca’s finest pictures and a superb portrait by Raphael, in the spectacular setting of the Ducal Palace. The palace also houses a fascinating archeological collection of Roman artefacts. Best of all it now boasts extended opening times – 9am to 7pm Tues-Sun, and 9am to 2pm Mondays.
- Raphael’s House, also in Urbino, has been preserved much as it was when he was born here in 1483. But you will only find one work, with a dodgy attribution, that might have been by the young artist – a fresco of the Madonna.
- Ascoli Piceno – Art gallery has a good collection of works by painters who lived and worked in this part of the Marche (including Crivelli) but also works of Titian, Tintoretto, Guido Reni and Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels, on the edge of town, houses a small collection of Lorenzo Lotto’s finest pictures including the haunting Annunciation.
- Pesaro – the Museo Civico has two delights: a beautiful altarpiece by Bellini and a remarkable collection of painted Renaissance ceramics. Also in Pesaro is the house where Rossini was born with a growing collection of memorabilia
- Loreto – The basilica and museum of the Holy House, as well as plenty on the traditions of Loreto, also has some pictures by Lorenzo Lotto – the artist spent his last years here.
- San Severino – In the Pinacoteca Civica are some sparkling pictures by the Salimbeni brothers, the Marche’s under-appreciated early Renaissance painters.
- Macerata – The Museo del Risorgimento is the best in the region dedicated to the Unification of Italy.
- Urbisaglia Archaeology Museum: Roman artefacts found at nearby Urbisaglia; Open 10-12.30 and 15-18.30 every day (from 20/06 al 15/09); 10-12.30 e 15-17.30 solo festivi (dal 16/09 al 19/06).
- Abbadia di Fiastra the museum of rural life at the same place (0733202122)
- Basilica of Saint Nicola of Tolentino; Open 9-12 and 15-19 Works of art, the crib museum, the ceramics and the architecture.
- Camerino History museum with bronzes, art, ceramics etc. Open 10-13 and 16-19 (from April to Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct- Mar) – closed Mondays.
- Camerino Museum of Natural Science at Camerino University (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale). Plantlife, fossils and bottled animals (to go with your pasta). Open 8-14 from Mon-Fri, 14.30-17.30 Tuesday and Thursday.
- Camerino Civic Art Gallery open 10-13 and 16-19 (from Apr- Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct-Mar) – closed Mondays. Renaissance art and a large emphasis on the 18th & 19th Centuries.
- Sarnano Museum; Museum of local wildlife, armourments, art and a hammer collection Open 9-12.30 e 16-18.30 from Monday to Thursday and 9-12.30 Friday; also 9-12.30 e 16-19 Saturday & Sunday (from15/07 to15/09 and national holidays)
- Castello Della Rancia Museum,Tolentino; armourments & archaeological museum: Open 10-13 and 15-19, closed Monday (from 15/3 to 15/10); 10-13 and 15-18; Saturdays, Sundays and feast days (from 16/10 to 14/3)
- Fabriano – The town was one of the great centres for the International Gothic style of 14thC painting and the Pinacoteca Comunale has some good examples. None however by the town’s greatest master, Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – The Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica is dedicated to the accordion.
Agriturismo Fontechiara is located in Treia in the province of Macerata in the region of Le Marche in central Italy. We offer B&B or bed and breakfast holidays or for lovers of slow food there is a half board option. A vacation at Fontechiara allows you to sample ecotourism, locally grown food, our own organic produce, home cooking and great Le Marche wines in a restored farmhouse with stylishly furnished rooms and excellent facilities including a swimming pool. There is the possibility of horse riding, fishing and courses about olive oil. We are ideally located for sports and outlet shopping. Le Marche has fantastic beaches, mountains, nature, history, art, activities and more. Please check out our reasonable prices or contact us for more information or to book.
Le Marche History and Art
Le Marche has a history that goes back to Roman times and beyond, is the birthplace of the renaissance and home to many art treasures. Many are now housed in mueums in the main towns, such as the following:
- Jesi – The Pinacoteca Comunale in Palazzo Pianetti. An over the top Roccoco palace are outstanding treasures are a handful of pictures by Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian painter who spent much of his working life in the Marches.
- Ancona – You will find the best collection of the Marche’s archeological heritage at the Museo Nazionale Archeologico.
- Also at Ancona – are paintings by Crivelli, Titian, Andrea del Sarto and Il Pomarancio and works by outstanding Marche painters such as Barocci and Guerrieri.
- Urbino – The Palazzo Ducale is home to some outstanding Italian renaissance art, including two of Piero della Francesca’s finest pictures and a superb portrait by Raphael, in the spectacular setting of the Ducal Palace. The palace also houses a fascinating archeological collection of Roman artefacts. Best of all it now boasts extended opening times – 9am to 7pm Tues-Sun, and 9am to 2pm Mondays.
- Raphael’s House, also in Urbino, has been preserved much as it was when he was born here in 1483. But you will only find one work, with a dodgy attribution, that might have been by the young artist – a fresco of the Madonna.
- Ascoli Piceno – Art gallery has a good collection of works by painters who lived and worked in this part of the Marche (including Crivelli) but also works of Titian, Tintoretto, Guido Reni and Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels, on the edge of town, houses a small collection of Lorenzo Lotto’s finest pictures including the haunting Annunciation.
- Pesaro – the Museo Civico has two delights: a beautiful altarpiece by Bellini and a remarkable collection of painted Renaissance ceramics. Also in Pesaro is the house where Rossini was born with a growing collection of memorabilia
- Loreto – The basilica and museum of the Holy House, as well as plenty on the traditions of Loreto, also has some pictures by Lorenzo Lotto – the artist spent his last years here.
- San Severino – In the Pinacoteca Civica are some sparkling pictures by the Salimbeni brothers, the Marche’s under-appreciated early Renaissance painters.
- Macerata – The Museo del Risorgimento is the best in the region dedicated to the Unification of Italy.
- Urbisaglia Archaeology Museum: Roman artefacts found at nearby Urbisaglia; Open 10-12.30 and 15-18.30 every day (from 20/06 al 15/09); 10-12.30 e 15-17.30 solo festivi (dal 16/09 al 19/06).
- Abbadia di Fiastra the museum of rural life at the same place (0733202122)
- Basilica of Saint Nicola of Tolentino; Open 9-12 and 15-19 Works of art, the crib museum, the ceramics and the architecture.
- Camerino History museum with bronzes, art, ceramics etc. Open 10-13 and 16-19 (from April to Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct- Mar) – closed Mondays.
- Camerino Museum of Natural Science at Camerino University (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale). Plantlife, fossils and bottled animals (to go with your pasta). Open 8-14 from Mon-Fri, 14.30-17.30 Tuesday and Thursday.
- Camerino Civic Art Gallery open 10-13 and 16-19 (from Apr- Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct-Mar) – closed Mondays. Renaissance art and a large emphasis on the 18th & 19th Centuries.
- Sarnano Museum; Museum of local wildlife, armourments, art and a hammer collection Open 9-12.30 e 16-18.30 from Monday to Thursday and 9-12.30 Friday; also 9-12.30 e 16-19 Saturday & Sunday (from15/07 to15/09 and national holidays)
- Castello Della Rancia Museum,Tolentino; armourments & archaeological museum: Open 10-13 and 15-19, closed Monday (from 15/3 to 15/10); 10-13 and 15-18; Saturdays, Sundays and feast days (from 16/10 to 14/3)
- Fabriano – The town was one of the great centres for the International Gothic style of 14thC painting and the Pinacoteca Comunale has some good examples. None however by the town’s greatest master, Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – The Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica is dedicated to the accordion.
Le Marche History and Art
Le Marche has a history that goes back to Roman times and beyond, is the birthplace of the renaissance and home to many art treasures. Many are now housed in mueums in the main towns, such as the following:
- Jesi – The Pinacoteca Comunale in Palazzo Pianetti. An over the top Roccoco palace are outstanding treasures are a handful of pictures by Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian painter who spent much of his working life in the Marches.
- Ancona – You will find the best collection of the Marche’s archeological heritage at the Museo Nazionale Archeologico.
- Also at Ancona – are paintings by Crivelli, Titian, Andrea del Sarto and Il Pomarancio and works by outstanding Marche painters such as Barocci and Guerrieri.
- Urbino – The Palazzo Ducale is home to some outstanding Italian renaissance art, including two of Piero della Francesca’s finest pictures and a superb portrait by Raphael, in the spectacular setting of the Ducal Palace. The palace also houses a fascinating archeological collection of Roman artefacts. Best of all it now boasts extended opening times – 9am to 7pm Tues-Sun, and 9am to 2pm Mondays.
- Raphael’s House, also in Urbino, has been preserved much as it was when he was born here in 1483. But you will only find one work, with a dodgy attribution, that might have been by the young artist – a fresco of the Madonna.
- Ascoli Piceno – Art gallery has a good collection of works by painters who lived and worked in this part of the Marche (including Crivelli) but also works of Titian, Tintoretto, Guido Reni and Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels, on the edge of town, houses a small collection of Lorenzo Lotto’s finest pictures including the haunting Annunciation.
- Pesaro – the Museo Civico has two delights: a beautiful altarpiece by Bellini and a remarkable collection of painted Renaissance ceramics. Also in Pesaro is the house where Rossini was born with a growing collection of memorabilia
- Loreto – The basilica and museum of the Holy House, as well as plenty on the traditions of Loreto, also has some pictures by Lorenzo Lotto – the artist spent his last years here.
- San Severino – In the Pinacoteca Civica are some sparkling pictures by the Salimbeni brothers, the Marche’s under-appreciated early Renaissance painters.
- Macerata – The Museo del Risorgimento is the best in the region dedicated to the Unification of Italy.
- Urbisaglia Archaeology Museum: Roman artefacts found at nearby Urbisaglia; Open 10-12.30 and 15-18.30 every day (from 20/06 al 15/09); 10-12.30 e 15-17.30 solo festivi (dal 16/09 al 19/06).
- Abbadia di Fiastra the museum of rural life at the same place (0733202122)
- Basilica of Saint Nicola of Tolentino; Open 9-12 and 15-19 Works of art, the crib museum, the ceramics and the architecture.
- Camerino History museum with bronzes, art, ceramics etc. Open 10-13 and 16-19 (from April to Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct- Mar) – closed Mondays.
- Camerino Museum of Natural Science at Camerino University (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale). Plantlife, fossils and bottled animals (to go with your pasta). Open 8-14 from Mon-Fri, 14.30-17.30 Tuesday and Thursday.
- Camerino Civic Art Gallery open 10-13 and 16-19 (from Apr- Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct-Mar) – closed Mondays. Renaissance art and a large emphasis on the 18th & 19th Centuries.
- Sarnano Museum; Museum of local wildlife, armourments, art and a hammer collection Open 9-12.30 e 16-18.30 from Monday to Thursday and 9-12.30 Friday; also 9-12.30 e 16-19 Saturday & Sunday (from15/07 to15/09 and national holidays)
- Castello Della Rancia Museum,Tolentino; armourments & archaeological museum: Open 10-13 and 15-19, closed Monday (from 15/3 to 15/10); 10-13 and 15-18; Saturdays, Sundays and feast days (from 16/10 to 14/3)
- Fabriano – The town was one of the great centres for the International Gothic style of 14thC painting and the Pinacoteca Comunale has some good examples. None however by the town’s greatest master, Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – The Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica is dedicated to the accordion.
Le Marche History and Art
Le Marche has a history that goes back to Roman times and beyond, is the birthplace of the renaissance and home to many art treasures. Many are now housed in mueums in the main towns, such as the following:
- Jesi – The Pinacoteca Comunale in Palazzo Pianetti. An over the top Roccoco palace are outstanding treasures are a handful of pictures by Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian painter who spent much of his working life in the Marches.
- Ancona – You will find the best collection of the Marche’s archeological heritage at the Museo Nazionale Archeologico.
- Also at Ancona – are paintings by Crivelli, Titian, Andrea del Sarto and Il Pomarancio and works by outstanding Marche painters such as Barocci and Guerrieri.
- Urbino – The Palazzo Ducale is home to some outstanding Italian renaissance art, including two of Piero della Francesca’s finest pictures and a superb portrait by Raphael, in the spectacular setting of the Ducal Palace. The palace also houses a fascinating archeological collection of Roman artefacts. Best of all it now boasts extended opening times – 9am to 7pm Tues-Sun, and 9am to 2pm Mondays.
- Raphael’s House, also in Urbino, has been preserved much as it was when he was born here in 1483. But you will only find one work, with a dodgy attribution, that might have been by the young artist – a fresco of the Madonna.
- Ascoli Piceno – Art gallery has a good collection of works by painters who lived and worked in this part of the Marche (including Crivelli) but also works of Titian, Tintoretto, Guido Reni and Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels, on the edge of town, houses a small collection of Lorenzo Lotto’s finest pictures including the haunting Annunciation.
- Pesaro – the Museo Civico has two delights: a beautiful altarpiece by Bellini and a remarkable collection of painted Renaissance ceramics. Also in Pesaro is the house where Rossini was born with a growing collection of memorabilia
- Loreto – The basilica and museum of the Holy House, as well as plenty on the traditions of Loreto, also has some pictures by Lorenzo Lotto – the artist spent his last years here.
- San Severino – In the Pinacoteca Civica are some sparkling pictures by the Salimbeni brothers, the Marche’s under-appreciated early Renaissance painters.
- Macerata – The Museo del Risorgimento is the best in the region dedicated to the Unification of Italy.
- Urbisaglia Archaeology Museum: Roman artefacts found at nearby Urbisaglia; Open 10-12.30 and 15-18.30 every day (from 20/06 al 15/09); 10-12.30 e 15-17.30 solo festivi (dal 16/09 al 19/06).
- Abbadia di Fiastra the museum of rural life at the same place (0733202122)
- Basilica of Saint Nicola of Tolentino; Open 9-12 and 15-19 Works of art, the crib museum, the ceramics and the architecture.
- Camerino History museum with bronzes, art, ceramics etc. Open 10-13 and 16-19 (from April to Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct- Mar) – closed Mondays.
- Camerino Museum of Natural Science at Camerino University (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale). Plantlife, fossils and bottled animals (to go with your pasta). Open 8-14 from Mon-Fri, 14.30-17.30 Tuesday and Thursday.
- Camerino Civic Art Gallery open 10-13 and 16-19 (from Apr- Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct-Mar) – closed Mondays. Renaissance art and a large emphasis on the 18th & 19th Centuries.
- Sarnano Museum; Museum of local wildlife, armourments, art and a hammer collection Open 9-12.30 e 16-18.30 from Monday to Thursday and 9-12.30 Friday; also 9-12.30 e 16-19 Saturday & Sunday (from15/07 to15/09 and national holidays)
- Castello Della Rancia Museum,Tolentino; armourments & archaeological museum: Open 10-13 and 15-19, closed Monday (from 15/3 to 15/10); 10-13 and 15-18; Saturdays, Sundays and feast days (from 16/10 to 14/3)
- Fabriano – The town was one of the great centres for the International Gothic style of 14thC painting and the Pinacoteca Comunale has some good examples. None however by the town’s greatest master, Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – The Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica is dedicated to the accordion.
Le Marche History and Art
Le Marche has a history that goes back to Roman times and beyond, is the birthplace of the renaissance and home to many art treasures. Many are now housed in mueums in the main towns, such as the following:
- Jesi – The Pinacoteca Comunale in Palazzo Pianetti. An over the top Roccoco palace are outstanding treasures are a handful of pictures by Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian painter who spent much of his working life in the Marches.
- Ancona – You will find the best collection of the Marche’s archeological heritage at the Museo Nazionale Archeologico.
- Also at Ancona – are paintings by Crivelli, Titian, Andrea del Sarto and Il Pomarancio and works by outstanding Marche painters such as Barocci and Guerrieri.
- Urbino – The Palazzo Ducale is home to some outstanding Italian renaissance art, including two of Piero della Francesca’s finest pictures and a superb portrait by Raphael, in the spectacular setting of the Ducal Palace. The palace also houses a fascinating archeological collection of Roman artefacts. Best of all it now boasts extended opening times – 9am to 7pm Tues-Sun, and 9am to 2pm Mondays.
- Raphael’s House, also in Urbino, has been preserved much as it was when he was born here in 1483. But you will only find one work, with a dodgy attribution, that might have been by the young artist – a fresco of the Madonna.
- Ascoli Piceno – Art gallery has a good collection of works by painters who lived and worked in this part of the Marche (including Crivelli) but also works of Titian, Tintoretto, Guido Reni and Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels, on the edge of town, houses a small collection of Lorenzo Lotto’s finest pictures including the haunting Annunciation.
- Pesaro – the Museo Civico has two delights: a beautiful altarpiece by Bellini and a remarkable collection of painted Renaissance ceramics. Also in Pesaro is the house where Rossini was born with a growing collection of memorabilia
- Loreto – The basilica and museum of the Holy House, as well as plenty on the traditions of Loreto, also has some pictures by Lorenzo Lotto – the artist spent his last years here.
- San Severino – In the Pinacoteca Civica are some sparkling pictures by the Salimbeni brothers, the Marche’s under-appreciated early Renaissance painters.
- Macerata – The Museo del Risorgimento is the best in the region dedicated to the Unification of Italy.
- Urbisaglia Archaeology Museum: Roman artefacts found at nearby Urbisaglia; Open 10-12.30 and 15-18.30 every day (from 20/06 al 15/09); 10-12.30 e 15-17.30 solo festivi (dal 16/09 al 19/06).
- Abbadia di Fiastra the museum of rural life at the same place (0733202122)
- Basilica of Saint Nicola of Tolentino; Open 9-12 and 15-19 Works of art, the crib museum, the ceramics and the architecture.
- Camerino History museum with bronzes, art, ceramics etc. Open 10-13 and 16-19 (from April to Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct- Mar) – closed Mondays.
- Camerino Museum of Natural Science at Camerino University (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale). Plantlife, fossils and bottled animals (to go with your pasta). Open 8-14 from Mon-Fri, 14.30-17.30 Tuesday and Thursday.
- Camerino Civic Art Gallery open 10-13 and 16-19 (from Apr- Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct-Mar) – closed Mondays. Renaissance art and a large emphasis on the 18th & 19th Centuries.
- Sarnano Museum; Museum of local wildlife, armourments, art and a hammer collection Open 9-12.30 e 16-18.30 from Monday to Thursday and 9-12.30 Friday; also 9-12.30 e 16-19 Saturday & Sunday (from15/07 to15/09 and national holidays)
- Castello Della Rancia Museum,Tolentino; armourments & archaeological museum: Open 10-13 and 15-19, closed Monday (from 15/3 to 15/10); 10-13 and 15-18; Saturdays, Sundays and feast days (from 16/10 to 14/3)
- Fabriano – The town was one of the great centres for the International Gothic style of 14thC painting and the Pinacoteca Comunale has some good examples. None however by the town’s greatest master, Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – The Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica is dedicated to the accordion.
Le Marche History and Art
Le Marche has a history that goes back to Roman times and beyond, is the birthplace of the renaissance and home to many art treasures. Many are now housed in mueums in the main towns, such as the following:
- Jesi – The Pinacoteca Comunale in Palazzo Pianetti. An over the top Roccoco palace are outstanding treasures are a handful of pictures by Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian painter who spent much of his working life in the Marches.
- Ancona – You will find the best collection of the Marche’s archeological heritage at the Museo Nazionale Archeologico.
- Also at Ancona – are paintings by Crivelli, Titian, Andrea del Sarto and Il Pomarancio and works by outstanding Marche painters such as Barocci and Guerrieri.
- Urbino – The Palazzo Ducale is home to some outstanding Italian renaissance art, including two of Piero della Francesca’s finest pictures and a superb portrait by Raphael, in the spectacular setting of the Ducal Palace. The palace also houses a fascinating archeological collection of Roman artefacts. Best of all it now boasts extended opening times – 9am to 7pm Tues-Sun, and 9am to 2pm Mondays.
- Raphael’s House, also in Urbino, has been preserved much as it was when he was born here in 1483. But you will only find one work, with a dodgy attribution, that might have been by the young artist – a fresco of the Madonna.
- Ascoli Piceno – Art gallery has a good collection of works by painters who lived and worked in this part of the Marche (including Crivelli) but also works of Titian, Tintoretto, Guido Reni and Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels, on the edge of town, houses a small collection of Lorenzo Lotto’s finest pictures including the haunting Annunciation.
- Pesaro – the Museo Civico has two delights: a beautiful altarpiece by Bellini and a remarkable collection of painted Renaissance ceramics. Also in Pesaro is the house where Rossini was born with a growing collection of memorabilia
- Loreto – The basilica and museum of the Holy House, as well as plenty on the traditions of Loreto, also has some pictures by Lorenzo Lotto – the artist spent his last years here.
- San Severino – In the Pinacoteca Civica are some sparkling pictures by the Salimbeni brothers, the Marche’s under-appreciated early Renaissance painters.
- Macerata – The Museo del Risorgimento is the best in the region dedicated to the Unification of Italy.
- Urbisaglia Archaeology Museum: Roman artefacts found at nearby Urbisaglia; Open 10-12.30 and 15-18.30 every day (from 20/06 al 15/09); 10-12.30 e 15-17.30 solo festivi (dal 16/09 al 19/06).
- Abbadia di Fiastra the museum of rural life at the same place (0733202122)
- Basilica of Saint Nicola of Tolentino; Open 9-12 and 15-19 Works of art, the crib museum, the ceramics and the architecture.
- Camerino History museum with bronzes, art, ceramics etc. Open 10-13 and 16-19 (from April to Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct- Mar) – closed Mondays.
- Camerino Museum of Natural Science at Camerino University (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale). Plantlife, fossils and bottled animals (to go with your pasta). Open 8-14 from Mon-Fri, 14.30-17.30 Tuesday and Thursday.
- Camerino Civic Art Gallery open 10-13 and 16-19 (from Apr- Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct-Mar) – closed Mondays. Renaissance art and a large emphasis on the 18th & 19th Centuries.
- Sarnano Museum; Museum of local wildlife, armourments, art and a hammer collection Open 9-12.30 e 16-18.30 from Monday to Thursday and 9-12.30 Friday; also 9-12.30 e 16-19 Saturday & Sunday (from15/07 to15/09 and national holidays)
- Castello Della Rancia Museum,Tolentino; armourments & archaeological museum: Open 10-13 and 15-19, closed Monday (from 15/3 to 15/10); 10-13 and 15-18; Saturdays, Sundays and feast days (from 16/10 to 14/3)
- Fabriano – The town was one of the great centres for the International Gothic style of 14thC painting and the Pinacoteca Comunale has some good examples. None however by the town’s greatest master, Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – The Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica is dedicated to the accordion.
Le Marche History and Art
Le Marche has a history that goes back to Roman times and beyond, is the birthplace of the renaissance and home to many art treasures. Many are now housed in mueums in the main towns, such as the following:
- Jesi – The Pinacoteca Comunale in Palazzo Pianetti. An over the top Roccoco palace are outstanding treasures are a handful of pictures by Lorenzo Lotto, the Venetian painter who spent much of his working life in the Marches.
- Ancona – You will find the best collection of the Marche’s archeological heritage at the Museo Nazionale Archeologico.
- Also at Ancona – are paintings by Crivelli, Titian, Andrea del Sarto and Il Pomarancio and works by outstanding Marche painters such as Barocci and Guerrieri.
- Urbino – The Palazzo Ducale is home to some outstanding Italian renaissance art, including two of Piero della Francesca’s finest pictures and a superb portrait by Raphael, in the spectacular setting of the Ducal Palace. The palace also houses a fascinating archeological collection of Roman artefacts. Best of all it now boasts extended opening times – 9am to 7pm Tues-Sun, and 9am to 2pm Mondays.
- Raphael’s House, also in Urbino, has been preserved much as it was when he was born here in 1483. But you will only find one work, with a dodgy attribution, that might have been by the young artist – a fresco of the Madonna.
- Ascoli Piceno – Art gallery has a good collection of works by painters who lived and worked in this part of the Marche (including Crivelli) but also works of Titian, Tintoretto, Guido Reni and Guercino.
- Recanati – Villa Colloredo-Mels, on the edge of town, houses a small collection of Lorenzo Lotto’s finest pictures including the haunting Annunciation.
- Pesaro – the Museo Civico has two delights: a beautiful altarpiece by Bellini and a remarkable collection of painted Renaissance ceramics. Also in Pesaro is the house where Rossini was born with a growing collection of memorabilia
- Loreto – The basilica and museum of the Holy House, as well as plenty on the traditions of Loreto, also has some pictures by Lorenzo Lotto – the artist spent his last years here.
- San Severino – In the Pinacoteca Civica are some sparkling pictures by the Salimbeni brothers, the Marche’s under-appreciated early Renaissance painters.
- Macerata – The Museo del Risorgimento is the best in the region dedicated to the Unification of Italy.
- Urbisaglia Archaeology Museum: Roman artefacts found at nearby Urbisaglia; Open 10-12.30 and 15-18.30 every day (from 20/06 al 15/09); 10-12.30 e 15-17.30 solo festivi (dal 16/09 al 19/06).
- Abbadia di Fiastra the museum of rural life at the same place (0733202122)
- Basilica of Saint Nicola of Tolentino; Open 9-12 and 15-19 Works of art, the crib museum, the ceramics and the architecture.
- Camerino History museum with bronzes, art, ceramics etc. Open 10-13 and 16-19 (from April to Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct- Mar) – closed Mondays.
- Camerino Museum of Natural Science at Camerino University (Piazza Cavour, Palazzo Ducale). Plantlife, fossils and bottled animals (to go with your pasta). Open 8-14 from Mon-Fri, 14.30-17.30 Tuesday and Thursday.
- Camerino Civic Art Gallery open 10-13 and 16-19 (from Apr- Sept); 10-13 and 15-18 (from Oct-Mar) – closed Mondays. Renaissance art and a large emphasis on the 18th & 19th Centuries.
- Sarnano Museum; Museum of local wildlife, armourments, art and a hammer collection Open 9-12.30 e 16-18.30 from Monday to Thursday and 9-12.30 Friday; also 9-12.30 e 16-19 Saturday & Sunday (from15/07 to15/09 and national holidays)
- Castello Della Rancia Museum,Tolentino; armourments & archaeological museum: Open 10-13 and 15-19, closed Monday (from 15/3 to 15/10); 10-13 and 15-18; Saturdays, Sundays and feast days (from 16/10 to 14/3)
- Fabriano – The town was one of the great centres for the International Gothic style of 14thC painting and the Pinacoteca Comunale has some good examples. None however by the town’s greatest master, Gentile da Fabriano.
- Castelfidardo – The Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica is dedicated to the accordion.